356 WESTMINSTER. GoDFiiEY Goodman was installed loth May 1607, and resigned in 1623. ^® became bishop of Gloucester. Theodore Price, S.T.P., was installed in July 1623, and died 15th Dec. 1631. Roger Bates, S.T.P., was nominated 30th Dec. 163T, and installed 12th Jan. 1631—2, vice Theodore Price. He died 15th March 1633-4, and was buried in the chancel of the church of St. Clement Danes, West- minster, of which he was rector. John Towers, S.T.P., was installed 3rd April 1634. He became dean and bishop of Peterborough. Jonathan Brown, LL.D., dean of Hereford, was no- minated 14th Jan. 1638-9. EIGHTH STALL. Thomas Essex was appointed the first in this stall, 17th Dec. 1540. Francis Turpin, installed 3rd March 1542—3. Nicholas Rydley, installed 15th Nov. 1545. Prebendaries of this stall smce (he settlement by queen Elizabeth. William Latymer or Latemer, M.A., dean of Pe- terborough, was appointed the first in this stall by the Queen's patent, dated 21st June 1560^^. Edward Buckley, S.T.P., installed 15th Oct. 1583. William Laud, admitted 22nd Jan. 1620-21. Griffith Williams, appointed to this stall 17th July 1628, vice Laud, promoted to the see of London. He became dean of Bangor and bishop of Ossory. Benjamin Lany, S.T.P., was installed in Jan. 1640-1. He became bishop of Peterborough, and hold this stall in commendam. His dispensation is dated 1st Doc. 1660. •■'<• Pat. 2 Eliz. p. 13. m. 5.
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