Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/406

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400 WINDSOR. void by the death of Richard Field. Wilson was de- prived about a year after for not being in orders. Richard Molxtague, S.T.B., was appointed by pa- tent 5th Sept., and installed 6th Sept. 1617: void by the resignation of Oliver Lloid-^". He became arch- deacon of Hereford. Godfrey Goodman, S.T.P., was installed ^^ 20th Dec. 16 17: void by the deprivation of Wilson. He became dean of Rochester and bishop of Gloucester. Thomas Otes, S.T.P., was installed ^^^ 4th May 1621 : void by the death of Robert Chaloner. Otes died and was buried at Windsor in 1623. Thomas Some, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 12th April and installed 14th April 1622 : void by the re- signation of the archbishop of Spalatro '*o. John Elly or Elle, S.T..., was installed ^^ 22nd Nov. 1623 : void by the death of Thomas Otes. Nathaniel Giles, S.T. P., was installed'^ 2nd March 1623 : void by the death of Thomas White. John King, S.T. P., canon of the fourth stall of Chnst Church, Oxford, was installed '^ 6th Aug. 1625 : void by the death of Robert Johnson. David Stokes, M.A., was appointed by patent 1 ith July^4^ and installed 12th July 162S: void by the pro- motion of Richard Mountague to the see of Chiches- ter. Stokes died I oth May 1669, a^tat. 78. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury ^ Gilbert Primrose, S.T. P., was appointed by patent 37 Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 12. No. 6. bend next vacant 3i!;t Jan. 1611 38 He had a grant of the pre- -12. Pat. 9 Jac. I. p. 9. X". 8. bend next vacant 9th Nov. 1607. •*- He had a grant of the pre- Pat. 5 Jac. I. p. 20. m. i. bend next vacant 28th June •*9 He had a grant of the i)re- 1614. Pat. 12 Jac. I. p. to. N^. 20. bend next vacant 8th Jan. 1 607-8. ^^ He had a grant of the pre- Ibid. p. 2. m. 9. bend next vacant 3rd Nov. 161 7. ^'^ Pat. 20 Jac. I. p. II. No. 7. Pat. 15 Jac. I. p. 2. N". i. et p. 17. N". 73. ^^ Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 3. N". 27. •*' He had a grant of the pre- ^^ Grey, 18.