Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/407

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CANONS. 401 17th July and installed 21st July 1628 : void by the translation of J. Buckeridge from the see of Rochester to Ely ^6. Daniel Collins, S.T.P., was installed^7 nth March 1 63 1: void by the death of Thomas Frith. Collins died 29th Dec. 1648. Thomas Howell, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 15th Nov. and installed 26th. Nov. 1636 : void by the death of Thomas Horne^^. Samuel Baker, S.T.B., was appointed by patent 28th Aug., and installed 20th Sept. 1638 : void by the death of John King, senior ^9. Baker resigned it 17 th May following, and became prebendary of the seventh stall, Canterbury. James Rowlandson, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 2nd Nov. and installed 6th Nov. 1638 : void by the death of Charles Sunnybanke ^0. Rowlandson died 9th May 1639, and vvas buried at Windsor. William Brough, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 23rd Jan. and installed ist Feb. 1637—8 : void by the death of John King, junior 5^ Brough became dean of Gloucester, and died 5th July 1671. Thomas Brown, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 23rd May and installed 28th May 1639 : void by the re- signation of Samuel Baker '^2^ Brown died 6th Dec. 1673, setat. 70, and was buried at Windsor. John Hales, A.M., was appointed by patent 17th June, and installed 27th June 1639 : void by the death of James Rowlandson^-^ Hales died 19th May 1656, and was buried in Eton college yard. George Gillixgham, S.T.P., was appointed by patent 2i8t Oct. and installed 2nd Nov. 1639: void by the ^ Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 3. N". 26. ^y Pat. 14 Car. I. p. i. N". 20. 47 He had a grant of the pre- •" Ibid. N". 47. bend next vacant iHthJuly 1628. Ibid. N". 41. Pat. 4 Car. I. p. 3. N". 25. •'-' Pat. 15 Car. I. p. 9. N". 19. ^ Pat. 12 Car'. I. p. i.*N".4. •••'» Ibid. N". 12. vof, III. J F