MERTON COLLEGE. 543 WARDENS. Peter de Abendon, alias Laking, was warden from the year 1372 to the year 1286, about which time he resigned. Richard de Warblysden succeeded in 1286. John de la More, 1295. John de Wantyng, 1299, died in 1328-^9, Robert de Treng, 1328, died in 135 J. William Durand, 1351. John de Bloxhame, S.T.P., 23rd May 1375. John de Wendover, S.T.P., 1387, resigned 28th July 1398. Edmund de Beckyngham^ S.T.P., 1398. He died about 20th March 14 15— 16. Thomas de Rud bourn or Radburn, was admitted 6th April J 41 6. Bishop of St. David's in 1433. Robert Gilbert, S.T.P., was admitted 5th May 1417, and resigned 25th April 142 J. Bishop of London in 1436. Henry de Abendon, S.T.P., 1421. Elias de Holcot, S.T.B., was admitted 24th May 1438. He held the office 15th Aug. 1444^*". Henry Sever, S.T.P., was admitted 19th Feb. 1454-5. John Gygur, S.T.B., was elected in July 1471. Richard Fitz-James, S.T.P., was elected in March J 48 2— 3. Bishop of Rochester in 1497. Bishop of Chichester in 1503—4. Bishop of London in 1506. He resigned the wardenship 7th April 1507. ubi Btudium vigere contigerit, et Cart. 48 Hen. III. m. 2. ad sustentationem duonun vel ^^ Cart. 7 Sept. r;o Hen. III. triura ininistroruin altarJH Christi See also Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 9. in dicta domo residentium, sub •'*'•* He Ih mentioned in Pat. 2 conditione et rnodo snb«crii)tis Kdw. HI. p. i. m. 1 1. tam circa Rcolares quain ininistro •^'* Pat. 22 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. i. pr«dictoH dotnino larj^ente ira- and 32 Hen. VI. po'^trniin ohscrvaiidis," &c. :c.
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