BISHOPS. 55 chapter of Worcester first heard of his decease on the 7th of that month^; and on the 39th of the same month the King issued his conge d^elire^^; never- theless, J 3 17 Thomas de C obh am, precento?' of York^ and suhdean of [lEdw.ll. Salishur^^ was appointed by the Pope as the successor of bishop Maydenstun^i, and he was consecrated at Avignon 22nd May 13 17. He arrived in England in November, and made his profession to the archbishop on the 15th of that month 1^. He obtained the tem- poralities 20th Nov. 13 1 7 13. He died at Hartlebury 20th Aug.!"* 13271^. The license to elect a bishop in the room of Thomas de Cobham was granted 31st Aug. I327I6. WULSTAN DE BrANSFORD, pHoV of Worcester, was chosen by the chapter, and obtained the royal assent 8th Sept. following ^7. The tempo- ralities were restored to him 8th Oct.^^ The Kingi^ moreover wrote letters in his favour to the Pope-^, and ordered preparations to be made for his consecra- tion-'; yet notwithstanding all these proceedings, the Pope set the election aside, and intruded on them 1328 Adam de Orleton, bishop of Hereford^ who was trans- 2Edw.ill. lated to Worcester by papal bull dated 25th Sept. 9 Reg. Priorat. ^6 Pat. i Edw. III. p. 3. m.26. ^^ Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 6. ^^ Ibid. m. 24. 1' On the death of archbishop ^^ Ibid. m. 15. Winchelsey in 13 13, the chapter '^ The archbishop, though se- of Canterbury elected Thomas veral times commanded thereto de Cobham as his successor; but by the King, delayed to confirm the Pope quashed his election, him, and at last died without and by his bull provided Walter performing the ceremony, (i6th Reynolds, bishop of Worcester, Nov. 1327.) The King then to the archiepiscopate of Canter- commanded the chapter of Can- bury, terbury to perform the office of ^2 Reg. Cranborn. confirmation; but they declined '•^ Pat. II Edw. II. p. I. m.14. to do so, for fear of the Pope's ^'* He died, according to the displeasure. Obituar. Cantuar., 27th Aug. ^^ Rot. Rom. i P^dw. III. m. 2. [vi Cal. Sept.] 2' Pat. i Edw. III. p. 3. m. 14. ••^ Claus. I Edw. III. p. 2. m. et (Jlaus. i Edw. III. p. 2. m.4. 4 in dorho. in dorso.