58 WORCESTER. and the spiritualities the next day^^; and in 1352 ho was promoted to York *o. 1353 Reginald Bryenp: or Brian, bishop 0/ St. DavicTs, 26Edw. III. was translated to this see by papal bull dated 22nd Oct. 1352; ho received the temporalities 3i6t March 1353^', and made his profession of obedience to the archbishop at Lambeth 7th April following. He died of the plague 10th Dec 136 1, and was buried in his own cathedral *'^. Pope Innocent VI intended to translate him to Ely, but he died before the transla- tion could be perfected. The license to elect on the death of Reginald Bryene is dated 14th Dec. 1361*^; nevertheless 1362 John Barnet, archdeacon of London^ became bishop 36Edw.iil. by papal bull dated loth Jan. 1361-2^'*. He ob- tained the spiritualities on the 4th ^ and the tem- poralities 19th March*'*, and 24th Nov. 1363 he was translated to Bath and Wells'". 1364 William Wittlesev, bhhop of Rochestcry was trans- 38Edw.ill. lated to this sec 6th March 1363-4. The temporali- ties were restored to him 28th June 1364 , and he was promoted to Canterbury by bull dated nth Oct. I3689. T369 William de Lenne or Lynne, bishop of Chichester y 43 Ed. III. was translated to this see nth Oct. 1368^^'. The temporalities '1 were restored to him 4th June 1369 "^^ and he died i8th Nov. 1373 •^ His will, dated 29th Dec. 1372, was proved 26th Nov. 1373. The license to elect on the death of bishop ^^'illiam bears date 28th Nov. i373^ 39 ReR. Islip. 48 Pat. 38 E(bv. III. p. i. ni. 9. 40 Reg. Thoreshy Kbor. ^y Rcg.Wittles. f. i. b. 4> Pat. 27 Edw. 111. p. I. m. 1 7. •'<^ Ihid. f. 132. 42 Reg. Islip. 61 He received the spirituali-
- ^ Fat. 35 Edw. III. j). 3. m. 3. ties 3i8t May I3^>9.
44 Rog. Islip, f. 340. •'■-' Pat. 43 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 7. 4» Reg. Islip. •'^' Rog.Wittles. f. 139. 4fi Pat. 36 Edw. 11 1 . p. 1 . III. 2 J. 4 Rog.Wittles. ^ Reg. Islip. "•* l*at-47 Edw. I II. p. 2. m.12.