Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/713

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NOMINUM. 707 Aldrich, Henry, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Aldrich, Robert, can. Windsor, 392. Aldrich, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 619. Aldrich, Thomas, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 681. Aldrich, William, proc. Oxford, 502. Aldrich or Aldridge, Robert, prov. Eton, 343. Aldrich or Aldridge, Robert, bp. Car- lisle, 240. Aldrich or Aldridge,Thomas, prb.West- minster, 354, 355. Aldridge or Aldrich, Robert, prov. Eton, 343. Aldridge or Aldrich, Robert, bp. Car- lisle, 240. Aldridge or Aldrich, Thomas, prb. West- minster, 354, 355. Aldryge, Robert, proc. Cambridge, 616. Aldulf, bp. Worcester, 48. Aldulf or Aethelwald, bp. Carlisle, 229. Aldulfus or Eadulf, abp. York, 96. Aldwine, archd. Durham, 301. Aldwine, bp. Chester-le-Street, 280. Aldwine, bp. Durham, 280. Aldworth, Charles, prof. anc. hist. Ox- ford, 525. Alen or Alle}Ti, Simon, can. Windsor, ^ 395. Alexander, archd. York, 132. Alexander, Francis, prb. Winchester, 37. Alexander, James Wadman, proc. Ox- ford, 501. Alexander, Michael Solomon, bp. Jeru- salem, 339. Aleyn, John, can. Windsor, 378, 379. Alf heah, Aelfeah or Elphege, bp. Win- chester, 6. Alfounder, Rob., proc. Cambridge, 627. Alfred or Alured, bp. Worcester, 49. Alfsin, Alsine or Aelfsige, bp. Win- chester, 5. Algeric, archd. Worcester, 73. Alhfrithus or Aethelred, bp. Winches- ter, 5. Alhmund or Alcmund, bp. Hexham, 277- Alhwin, bp. Worcester, 47. Allen, John, prb. Chester, 271. Allen, John, prb. Southwell, 43,",. Allen, John, arciul. (Chester, 266. Allen, Joim, proc. ('atnljridge, 629. Allen, Joscpii, prb. Westtnmster, 368. Allen, Pliihp, tax. Cambridge, 643. Allen, Tlioma.s, dn. (JheHter, 26.",. Allen, Walter, proc. Cambridge, 619. Allen or Allvn or Alan, William, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 58 0"o- Allerthorpe, Laurence de, prb. York, 219. Allerton, Robert, can. Windsor, 385. j AUestree, Richard, Reg. prof. div. Ox- ford, 510. AUestree or AUestry, Richard, prov. I Eton, 344. I Allestry, Richard, prov. Eton, 344. 1 AUeyn or Alen, Simon, can. Windsor, I 395. I Allibond, Peter, proc. Oxford, 493. Alhn, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 641. Allison or Elison, Nathaniel, prb. Dur- ham, 313. Allot, William, tax. Cambridge, 637. Allwarde, John, proc. Oxford, 481. AUyn, William, proc. Oxford, 488. AUyn or Allen or Alan, WiUiam, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Almaly or Almary, Walter, dn. Wind- sor, 371. Almaly or Almary, William, can. Wind- sor, 381. Almary, Walter, dn. Windsor, 371. Almary, Wilham, can. Windsor, 381. Alneto, R. de, archd. York, 131. Aln^vick, William, prb. York, 197. Alredus or Ealdred, abp. York, 97. Alsine, Aelfsige or Alfsin, bp. Win- chester, 5. Alsine or Elfsige, bp. Worcester, 6. Alsop, Anthony, prb. Winchester, 35. Alsop, John, proc. Cambridge, 623. Alsop, Nathaniel, proc. Oxford, 495. Alston, Edward, tax. Cambridge, 639. Alsius or Aelfsig, bp. Chester-le-Street, 280. Alt, Just, prb. York, 214. Altham, Roger, y)rb. Southwell, 425. Altham, Roger, ])rb. York, 186. Altham, Roger, proc. Oxford, 495, 496. Altham, Roger, Reg. prof. Heb. Ox- ford, 515. Altham, Roger, prof. mor. phil. Ox- ford, 523. Alum or Halam, Robert, chan. Oxford, 466. Alured or Alfred, bp. Worcester, 49. Alvey, Richard, prb. Westminster, 352, 353- Alwyne or Aelfwine, bp. Winchester, 6. Alyn, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 4S6. Alyngtotj, Robert, chan. Oxford, 466. AmbalduH, archd. Nottingham, 150. AiniciuH, archd. Surrey, 28. AtnoH, Andrew, Down. prof. law. Cam- bridge, ()6C), AmphibaluH, l>p. Sodor and Man, 323. 4x2