708 INDEX Amphlett, Joseph, prb. Carlisle, 255. And, William de, prb. Southwell, 461. Andeg', William Vileine de, prb. South- well, 461. Anderson, David, bp. Rupert's Land, 339- Anderson, Nicholas, prb, York, 182. Andrew, John, j)rin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 582. Andrew, Richard, prb. Southwell, 451. Andrew, Richard, can. Windsor, 387. Andrew, Richard, prb. York, 203, 221. Andrew, Richard, dn. York, 125. Andrew, Richard, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 559. Andrew, Wilham, proc. Oxford, 481. Andrew, W^illiam, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 582. Andrewes, Roger, mast. Jesus coll. Cambridge, 688. Andrewes, William, proc. Oxford, 504. Andrews, Joseph, proc. Oxford, 498. Andrews, Lancelot, prb. Southwell, 430. Andrews, Lancelot, prb. Westminster, 358. Andrews, Lancelot, dn. Westminster, 348. Andrews, Lancelot, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 674. Andrews, Lancelot, bp. Winchester, 18. Andrews, Roger, prb. Southwell, 430. Andrews, Roger, prb. Winchester, 37. Anesty, Thos. de, archd. Durham, 302. Anesty, Thomas de, archd. Northum- berland, 306. Angarvill, alias Bury, Richard de, bp. Durham, 290. Angle, Samuel de 1', prb. Westminster, 362. Anglicus, John, dn. York, 123. Anguish, Rich., proc. Cambridge, 621. Angus or Angusius, bp. Sodor, 325. Angusius, bp. Sodor, 325. Annesley, Hon. Arthur, burg. Cam- bridge, 650, Cyr'^i. Annosley, Francis, mast. Downing coll. Cambridge, 704. Annesley, Rich., prb. Westminster, 362. Anson, Charles, archd. C'arlisle, 250. Anson, Fred., j)rb. Southwell, 425. 449. Anson, Frederick, can. Windsor, 414. Anson, Frederick, dn. ('hester, 266. Anthony, Mark, proc. ('ambridge, 626. Anyan, Thomas, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, r'/)6. Apilton, William, prb, York, 217. Appelby, Robert de, subd. York, 128. Appleby, John de, prb. Southwell, 426. Aj^pleby, John de, prb. York, 203. Appleby, John de, archd. Carlisle, 249. Appleby, Thomas de, bp. Carlisle, 236. Appleton, John de, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. A])pylby, William, proc. Oxford, 483. Appylton, Robert, prb. York, 173. Ajmlia, Simon de, chan. York, 163. Apulia, Simon de, dn. York, 120. Archadiensis, Christian, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. Archadiensis, Simon, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. Archbold, John, prb. Worcester, 82. Archdall, George, mast. Emmanuel coll. Cambridge, 702. Archdall, George, vice -chan. Cam- bridge, 612, 613. Arche, Richard, can. Windsor, 393. Arche or de Leche, Peter del, archd. Worcester, 73. Archer, Milo, proc. Cambridge, 628. Arden, Robert, proc. Oxford, 484. Arden, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 81. Arden, Thomas, prb. York, 225. Arden, William, prb. Worcester, 83. Arden or Arderne, James, dn. Chester, 265. Arderne, Richard, proc. Oxford, 487. Arderne or Arden, James, dn. Chester, 265. Ardrey, John, prb. Carlisle, 254. Argentyne, John, prov. King's coll. Cambridge, 683. Arlett, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 634. Arlett, Henry, tax. Cambridge, 648. Armstrong, John, bp. Graham's Town, 339- Arnald, William, can. Windsor, 411. Arnall, Richard, prb. York, 171, 199. Arnall, Richard, subd. York, 129. Arnold, Richard, can. Windsor, 380. Arnold, Thomas, Reg. prof. mod. nist. Oxford, 530. Arnold, William Fillbridge, proc. Cam- bridge, 631. Arrowsmith, John, Reg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 656. Arrowsmith, John, mast. St.John's coll. Cambridge, 693. Arrowsmith, John, mast. Trinity coll. ('ambridge, 700. Arrowsmith, John, vice- chan. Cam- bridge, 6oC Arthuret, Richard de, archd. Carhsle, 249. Arundel, John, prb. "ork, 221, 223. Arundel, John, proc. Oxford, 481.
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