NOMINUM. 713 Barrow, Hugh, proc. Oxford, 495. Barrow, Isaac, Luc. prof. math. Cam- bridge, 662. Barrow, Isaac, Reg. prof. Greek, Cam- bridge, 660. Barrow, Isaac, mast. Trinity coll. Cam- bridge, 700. Barrow, Isaac, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Barrow, Isaac, bp. Sodor and Man, 327. Barrow, John, prb. Southwell, 456. Barrow, John, can. Windsor, 405. Barrow, William, prb. Southwell, 423. Barrow, William, archd. Nottingham, 153- Barrow, ^Nilliam, chan. Oxford, 467. Barrowe, William, bp. Carhsle, 238. Bartholomew, archd. Richmond, 136. Bartholomew, archd. Winchester, 24. Barton, Henry, prb. York, 209, Barton, Henry, ward. Merton coll. Ox- ford, 545. Barton, John, prb. York, 166. Barton, Phihp, prb. Winchester, 40. Barton, Robert, prb. York, 170. Barton, Samuel, prb. Westminster, 363. Barton, William, proc. Cambridge, 621. Barton, Wilham, tax. Cambridge, 635. Barton, or Breton, Clement, archd. East- Riding, 144. Barton, Henry de, prb. York, 207. Barton, Henry de, pre. York, 155. Barton, Henry de, treas. York, 160. Barton, PhiHp de, archd. Surrey, 29. Barum, Gilbert de, prb. York, 195. Barwell, Edmund, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 600. Barwell, Edwara, proc. Cambridge, 621. Barwick, John, prb. Durham, 31 1, 31C. Barwick, John, dn. Durham, 300. Baruitke, 'ITiomas, prb. Southwell, 439. Bashforth, F'rancis,tax. Cambridge, 649. Basing, ahas Kingsmill, William, dn. Winchester, 21. Basingstoke, William de, alias Munday de, archd. Durham, 303. Basire, Isaac, prb. Durham, 315. Ba.sire, Isaac, archd. Northumberland, 308. BaHkervyle, Simon, |)roc. Oxford, 491. Bassel, John, prb. York, 210. Basset, Edward, prb. Southwell, 432, BaHset, Fulco, dn. York, 121. BaMHet, JamcH, prb. York, 176. BasHctt, Joshua, mast. Sidney Sussex coll. (.'ainljridgc, 703. Bastarde, 'lliomaH, prb. WorccHtcr, 86. VOL. III. Batchcroft, Thomas, mast. Gonville and Caius coll. Cambridge, 677. Batchden, Richard, chan. Oxford, 463. Batcheler, Elias, tax. Cambridge, 639. Bate, Henry, prb. York, 175. Bate, James, tax. Cambridge, 642. Bate, John, prb. Southwell, 419. Bate, John, prb. York, 181. Bate, John, subd. York, 129. Bate, Walter, proc. Oxford, 482. Bateman, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 636. Bateman,Wynne, proc. Cambridge, 629. Bateman, Wynne, tax. Cambridge, 643. Bates, Henry, prb. Southwell, 420. Bates, Roger, prb. Westminster, 356. Bateson, William Henry, pub. orat. Cambridge, 615. Bathe, Bothe or Boothe, Laurence, archd. Richmond, 140. Bathurst, Henry, prb. Durham, 310. Bathurst, Ralph, pres. Trinity coll. Ox- ford, 572. Bathurst, Ralph, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Batteley, Oliver, proc. Oxford, 498. Battell, Ralf, prb. Worcester, 81. Baumfeld, orBamfeud, Richard de, prb. Southwell, 440. Bayley, Henry Vincent, prb. West- minster, 369. Bayley, Thomas, mast. Clare hall, Cambridge, 671. Bayley, Thomas, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 563. Bayley, Thomas, piin. New- Inn hall, Oxford, 589. Baylie, Henry, proc. Oxford, 488. Baylie, John, can. Windsor, 389. Baylie, Nicholas, proc. Oxford, 492. Baylie, Richard, jjroc. Oxford, 491. Baylie, Rich., archd. Nottingham, 152. Baylie, Richard, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 574. Baylie, Richard, vice-chan. Oxford, 477' 478- Baylie, Walter, j)roc. Oxford, 488, 494. Bayly, Edmund Goodenough, proc. Oxford, 504. Baynbridge, Christo.,bp. Durham, 293. Baynbrigg, Christo., archd. Surrey, 30. liayn])rigg, (Jliristo., dn. York, 125. Baynbrigg or Baiiibridge, Christopher, dn. Windsor, 373. Baynbrigge, 'I'hoinas, mast. Christ's coll. (Cambridge, 690. Baynbryg, Reginald, proc. Cambridge, 616. Baynbryggc, Rcginiild, mast. Cathar- ine hall, Cambridge, 687. 4 V