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714 INDEX Bazely, Thomas Tyssen, proc. Oxford, 504. Beacon, John, proc. Cambridge, 619. Beacon, Theodore, pub. orat. Cam- bridge, 614. Beadon, Richard, pub. orat. Cambridge, 615. Beadon, Richard, mast. Jesus coll. Cambridge, 689. Beadon, Richard, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 611. Beake or Bek, Anthony de, archd. Dur- ham, 302. Beake or Bek, Anthony de, bp. Dur- ham, 288, Beale, Jerome, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 67^^. Beale, Jerom, vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Beale, William, mast. Jesus coll. Cam- bridge, 688. Beale, William, mast. St. John's coll. Cambridge, 693. Beale, Wm., vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Beategravius, chan. Oxford, 463. Beaty, William, proc. Cambridge, 629. Beauchamp, Richard, dn. Windsor, 372. Beauclerk, Hon. and Rev. James Lord, can. Windsor, 408. Beauford, Ralph, prb. York, 169. Beaufort, Henry, chan. Oxford, 466. Beaufort, Henry, bp. Winchester, 14. Beaufort, Henry de, prb. York, 209. Beaumont, Geo., prb. Westminster, 360. Beaumont, George, prb. Winchester, 35. Beaumont, Henry, can. Windsor, 398. Beaumont, Henry, dn. Windsor, 375. Beaumont, J ohn, prb. Westminster, 3 r 4. Beaumont, Joseph, Reg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 656. Beaumont, Joseph, mast. Jesus coll. Cambridge, 689. Beaumont, Joseph, mast. Peter house, Cambridge, 669. Beaumont, Rob., proc. Oxford, 481, 490. Beaumont, Robert, Marg. i)rof. div. Cambridge, 654. Beaumont, Ro])ert, mast. Trinity coll. Cambridge, 699. Beaumont, Robert, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 604. Beaumont, William, })roc. Oxford, 497. Beauvoir, William, Reg. prof. med. Ox- ford, 513. Beauvoix,Wm., prof. anat. Oxford, 527. Becher,JohnThos., prb. Southwell, 434. Becher, William, prb. Southwell, 460. Beck, Anthony, prb. York, 214. Beck, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 625. liecke, Henry, proc. Oxford, 501. Becke, Henry, Reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxford, 530. Beckington, Thomas, prb. York, 173. Becks, A. de, prb. Southwell, 440. Beckyngham, Edmund de, ward, Mer- ton coll. Oxford, 543. Beconsau or Bekensall, Robert, can. Windsor, 391. Bedell, Thomas, archd. Cleveland, 148. Bedewynd, Walter de, treas. York, 159. Bedford, Ralj)h, prb. York, 178. Bedminster, John, proc. Oxford, 481. Bedyll, Thomas, prb. York, 202. Beecher, Howard, tax. Cambridge, 638. Beeston, Henry, prb. Winchester, 40. Beeston, Henry, ward. New coll. Ox- ^oT(], 555. Bek, Thomas, chan. Oxford, 464. Bek or Beake, Anthony de, archd. Dur- ham, 302. Bek or Beake, Anthony de, bp. Dur- ham, 288. Beke, John, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, 556. ^ ^ Beke, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 472. Bekensall or Beconsau, Robert, can. Windsor, 391. Bekenshaw or Berkenshaw, Robert, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 685. Beket, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 483. Bekingham, Simon de, chan. York, 164. Bekingham, Simon de, i)re. York, 154. Bekingham, Thomas, prb. York, 213. Bekinton, Thomas, prb. York, 221. Belcanquad, Sam. ,proc. Cambridge, 623. Belcanquall, Samuel, tax. Cambridge, Bell, Andrew, ])rb. ^^ cstminster, 309. Bell, Beaupre Phihp, tax. Cambridge, 647. Bell, George, ])rb. York, 204. Bell, John, prb. Southwell, 435. Bell, John, proc. Cambridge, 618. Bell, John, tax. Cambridge, 602. Bell, John, archd. Gloucester, 78. Bell, John, mast. Jesus coll. Cambridge, 688. Bell, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 605. Boll, Lancelot, proc. Cambridge, 630. Bell, Richard, prb. Southwell, 456. Bell, Richard, bp. CarUsle, 239. Bell, Thomas, prb. York, 206. Bell. Walter, proc. Queen's coll. Ox- ford, f)-y2. Bell, William, prb. Westminster, 367. Bell, WiUiam, prb. York, 173.