Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/722

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716 INDEX Bernard, Richard, j)roc. Oxford, 483. Bernardscastle, Richard de, archd. Northumberland, 306. Bernham, Robert, can. Windsor, 378. Bernyngham, Richard, mast. Balhol coll. Oxford, 540. Berridge, John, tax. Cambridge, 643. Berston, alias Chyrton, William de, archd. Gloucester, 77. Berthram, Maurice, })roc. Oxford, 484. Bertie, Hon. Charles, prof. nat. phil. Oxford, 520. Berton, W^m., chan. Oxford, 465, 466. Berton, Thomas de, pre. York, 154. Bessy, Hugh de, prb. York, 192. Best, John, bp. Carlisle, 241. Beston, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 483. Bethome, William, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, 557. Bethum, Wiilliam, proc. Oxford, 484. Bets, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 620. Betts, James, proc. Cambridge, 628. Betts, James, tax. Cambridge, 642. Betts, Joseph, Sav. prof. geom. Ox- ford, 521. Betts, Robert, tax, Cambridge, 641. Bettys, John, proc. Oxford, 484. Bevans, Francis, prin. Jesus coll. Ox- ford, 575. Bev^ans, Francis, prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 589. Bevem or Boston, William, dn. West- minster, 347. Bevercotes, William de, prb. South- well, 453. Beverley, John of, abp. York, 94. Beverley, W^ilham de, prb. Y'ork, 213. Beverley, William de, archd. Northum- berland, 306. Beverley, WiUiam, prb. Y^ork, 183. Beverley, William, ])re. York, 155. Beverley, William, dn. Windsor, 372. Beverston, John, jjroc. Oxford, 485. Beverstone, John, i)rin. Alban hall, Oxford, 591. Bickerton, Alex., tax. Cambridge, 641. Bickersteth, Edward, archd, Bucking- ham, 340. Bickley, Brune, proc. Oxford, 496. Bickley, Thomas, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 544. Biddle, Al)raiiam, tax. Cambridge, 635. Bideston, Nicholas, prb. York, 221. Bidle, Abraham, proc. Cambridge, 621. Bidwell, Edward Tomson, tax. Cam- bridge, 647. Bigg, Henry, ward. New coll. Oxford, 556. Bigg, John, proc. Cambridge, 630. Bigge, Edw., archd. Lindisfarne, 308. Bignon, Peter, Reg. prof. Heb. Cam- bridge, 659. Biham, Gilbert de, chan. Oxford, 463. Bill, John, bp. Worcester, 6^. Bill, WiUiam, prov. Eton, 343. Bill, Wilham, mast. St. John's coll. Cambridge, 692. Bill, Wilham, mast. Trinity coll. Cam- bridge, C99. Bill or Byll, Wilham, dn. Westmin- ster, 348. Billers, John, pub. orat. Cambridge, 614. Billingfeld or Billingford, Richard de, chan. Cambridge, 599. Billingford, Richard de, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 681. Billingford, Richard de, chan. Cam- bridge, 599, 600. Billingford or BiUingfeld, Richard de, chan. Cambridge, 599. Billingsley, Samuel, archd. Surrey, 31. Billit, Hugh, proc. Cambridge, 619. Bilson, Leonard, prb. Winchester, 32. Bilson, Thomas, ])rb. Winchester, 39. Bilson, Thomas, l)p. Winchester, 18. Bilson, Thomas, bp. Worcester, 66. Bing, Andrew, subd. York, 130. Binge, Andrew, prb. Southwell, 442. Binge, Thomas, i)rb. York, 216. Bingham, George, proc. Oxford, 499. Bingham, AVilham, proc. Cambridge, 619. Binney, Hibbert, bp. Nova Scotia, 335. Birch, Peter, ])rb. Westminster, 362. Birch or Birtche, William, prb. Dur- ham, 315. Bird, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 621. Bird, Ralph, prb. York, 187. Bird, Richard, archd. Cleveland, 148. Bird, sir William, burg. Oxford, 505. Birde, John, archd. CJiester, 266. Birde, John, archd. Richmond, 267. Birde, John, bp. Chester, 258. Birinus, bp. West Saxons, i. Bires or de Byrys or del Byris, Row- land, proc. Queen's coll. Oxford, 552. Birkbeck, Wm., proc. Cambridge, 625. Birkett, Edward, prb. Carlisle, 252. Birkett, George, proc. Cambridge, 628. Birkett, George, tax. Cambridge, 642. liirkett, Robert, tax. Cambridge, 648. Birkhead, Dan., ])rb. Durham, 314, 318. Birkhead or Bricket, Thomas, prb. W^estminster, 359. Birnstan, bp. Winchester, 5.