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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/721

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NOMINUM. 715 Bell, William, mast. Balliol coll. Ox- ford, 540. Bellamy, Robert, prb. Durham, 310. Bellasis, Anthony, prb. York, 197. Bellassys or Bellicis, Anthony, prb. Westminster, 352. Belletory, John, proc. Oxford, 487. Bellicis or Bellassys, Anthony, prb. Westminster, 352. Bellingham, Henry, proc. Oxford, 491. Bellomonte, Almerick de, archd. Dur- ham, 303. Bellomonte, Louis de, bp. Durham, 289. Bellot, Hugh, bp. Chester, 259. Bellott,Cuthbert,prb.Westminster,357. Bellott, Cuthbert, archd. Chester, 266. Belly, John, prov. Oriel, coll. Oxford, 550- Belsire, Alexander, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 573. Belward, Richard, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 611. Belward, Richard Fisher, mast. Gon- ville and Caius coll. Cambridge, 678. Bemysley, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 482. Bendish, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 636. Benedict, prb. York, 178. Benefield, Sebastian, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 518. Benet, Gilbert, prb. Southwell, 433. Benett, Thomas, mast. University coll. Oxford, 538. Benger, Rich., vice-chan. Oxford, 475. Bennet, Gilbert, prb, York, 192. Bennet, John, proc. Oxford, 490. Bennet, John, prb. York, 199. Bennet, PhiUp, proc. Cambridge, 629. Bennet, Robert, prb. Durham, 318. Bennet, Robert, prb. Winchester, 42. Bennet, Robert, dn. Windsor, 374. Bennet, Thomas, i)roc. Oxford, 495. Bennet, Walter, proc. Oxford, 491. Bennet, Walter, prb. York, 199. Bennet, William, proc. Cambridge, 631. Bennet, William, prb. Durham, 311. Bennett, sir John, burg. Oxford, no^. Bennett, Philip, tax. Cambridge, 043. Bennett, Wilham, prb. Soutliwell, 430. Benson, Christo., j)rb. Worcester, 88. Benson, (ieorge, j)roc. Oxford, 491. Benson, (ieorge, prb. Worcester, 82. Benson, Martin, prb. Durham, 310. Benson, Thomas, prb. ('arlisle, 254. Benson, 'Hiomas, prlj. Southwell, 445. Benson, Thomas, prb. York, 193, Benson, William, [)roc. Oxford, 501. Bentham, Ivlward, Reg. prof. div. Ox- ford, 510. Bentinck, William Harry Edward, prb. Westminster, 369. Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish, chan. Oxford, 470. Bentley, . . . . , proc. Oxford, 485. Bentley, Richard, prb. Worcester, 82. Bentley, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 629. Bentley, Richard, Reg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 656. Bentley, Richard, mast. Trinity coll. Cambridge, 700. Bentley, Rd., vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Benwell or Benyngwell, Thomas, mast. University coll., Oxford, 536. Benyngwell, Thomas, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. Berdmore, Samuel, prb. Southwell, 449. Berdmore, Samuel, prb. York, 180. Berdmore, Scrope, proc. Oxford, 500. Berdmore, Scrope, prb. Southwell, 422, 423- Berdmore, Scrope, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 545. Berdmore, Scrope, vice-chan. Oxford, 479- Bere, John de, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Bereblock, John, proc. Oxford, 489. Bereford, Rich, de, prb. Southwell, 461. Berenger, John, prb. York, 212. Bereworth, Stephen, proc. Oxford, 483. Berew}'ks, John de, prb. York, 184, 192. Bergavenny or Abergeyney,Philip, prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Bergaveny, Vincent de, archd. Wor- cester, 73. Bergeveney,Wm. de, chan. Oxford, 465. Berkeley, Geo., prb. Westminster, 362. Berkeley, Joshua, proc. Oxford, 500. Berkenhead, John, prof. mor. phil. Ox- ford, 523. Berkenshaw or Bekenshaw, Robert, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 685. Bermingdon or Bermingham, Henry, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Bermingham, John, prb. York, 223. Bermingham or Bermingdon, Henry, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Bermyngham, Fulk, prb. York, 194. Bermyngham, John, treas. York, 161. Bernard, bp. Carlisle, 230. liernard, Dan., vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Bernard, Edward, proc. Oxford, 494. licrnard, Edward, Sav. prof. astron.Ox- { ford, f,22. Ucrnard, Francis, proc. Oxford, 496. j Bernard, .lames Bernard, proc. Cam- ! bridge, 634. 4 V 2