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N O M I N U M, 721 Braybroke, Robert de, prb. York, 184, 186. Brayezz, John, prb. York, 187. Braynton, Roger de, archd. Gloucester, 77- Breach, William, proc. Oxford, 495. Brearey, Samuel, prb. Southwell, 439. Brearey,Wm., archd. East-Riding, 144. Breary, Samuel, prb. York, 216. Breary, William, prb. York, 177. Breithweite, Thomas, prb. Chester, 272. Breithweite, Thos., archd. Chester, 267. Breithweite, Thomas, archd. Richmond, 268. Brembre, Thomas de, prb. Southwell, 429^ 443- Brendinus or Brandanus, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. Brent, Benedict, proc. Oxford, 480. Brent, Nathaniel, proc. Oxford, 491. Brent, Nathaniel, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 544. Brereley, Edward, prb. Southwell, 433. Bresley or Brisele, Simon de, prb. York, 207. Brether, John, proc. Oxford, 483. Breton, Francois le, doyen de Jersey, 24. Breton, John, mast. Emmanuel, coll. Cambridge, 702, Breton, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Breton, Thomas le, doyen de Jersey, 24. Breton, WiUiam Corbet le, doyen de Jersey, 24. Breton or Barton, Clement, archd. East- Riding, 144. Bretto, Bernard de la, prb. York, 222, Bretton, John, pr]>. Worcester, 79. Bretton or Britten, Wilham, prb. West- minster, 353. Breuster, William, can. Windsor, 386. Breval, Francis Durant de, prb. West- minster, 362. Brevint, Daniel, prb. Durham, 318. Brew, William, proc. Oxford, 4H3. Brewarne, Richard, can. Windsor, 39/^. Brewster, William, can. Windsor, 386. Brian, Reginald, prb. York, 2or. Brian, Richard, proc. (Jambridge, 623. Brian or Bryene, Reginald, bp. Wor- cester, 58. Brickenden, Colwell, mast. Pembroke coll. Oxford, 579. Brickenden, Francis H., proc. Oxford, 502. Brirkct or liirkhcad, ThomaH, prb. WeHtrninKter, 3.,o. Brid, R.'dpli, i)rb. SotitlmcU, 448, VOL. III. Bridde, John, prb. Southwell, 443. Bridde, Ralph, prb. Southwell, 443. Briddeham,Hugh de, can.Windsor,379. Bridekirke, John de, prb. York, 210. Brideoake, Ralph, arch d .Win Chester, 2 7 . Brideoke, Ralph, can. Windsor, 402. Bridge, Bewick, proc. Cambridge, 632. Bridgeman, Charles, archd. Richmond, 267. Bridgeman, Henry, prb. York, 214. Bridgeman,Hen., archd. Richmond,267. Bridgeman, Henry, dn. Chester, 265. Bridgeman, John, bp. Chester, 260. Bridges, Edward Tymewell, tax. Cam- bridge, 645. Bridges, John, prb. Winchester, 35. Bridges, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 621. Bridges, Thomas Edward, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, 567. Bridges, W^illiam, prb. York, 210. Bridgewater, John, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, 557. Bridgman, Dove, prb. Chester, 270. Bridgman, Henry, bp. Sodor and Man, 32S. Bridgwater, Richard, pub. orat. Cam- bridge, 614. Bri dg water, Rich ., proc . Cambridge, 619. BridUngton, John de, prb. York, 207. Bridhngton, Robert de, prb. Southwell, 459- Bridlington, Robert de, prb. York, 205. Briggs, Henry, Sav. prof. geom. Ox- ford, 520. Briggs, John, prb. Chester, 272. Briggs, Thomas, tax, Cambridge, 638. iiright, Edward, tax. Cambridge, 638. Bright, Henry, prb. Worcester, 83. Bright, Mynors, proc. Cambridge, 6^^ Bright well, 'I'homas, chan. Oxford, 466. Brihteagus, bp. Worcester, 48. Brine, James Cram, proc. Oxford, 505. Bringhurst,John, proc. Cambridge, 629. Brinkelow or 15rynkelee,John de, archd. Nottingham, 151. Briscoe, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 637. Brisele or Bresley, Simon de, j)rb. York, 207. Briskyn, (Jriflith, pil). York, 208, Britlu'linus, bp. Winchester, ^rj. Brittan, (ieorge, j)rb. Southwell, 424. Brittan, James, j)rb. Sduthwell, 427. Britten or Bretton, William, prb.Wcst- mirister, 353. Brilton, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 423. jiroarl, iran('is, proc. Oxford, 493. Brockett, liuwrencc, prof. mod. hist, ('atnbridge, 664, 4 /