Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/728

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722 INDEX Brockholes, John, prb. York, 175. Erode, Philip, ])rb. York, 100. Brodrick, Lawrence, i)rb. W estminster, 364. Broke, Richard, prin. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 593. Broke, William, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 559. Broke or Brook, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 475. Broke, Richard de, prb. York, 174. Brom, Roger de, prb. York, 182. Brome, Adam de, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ford, 548. Bromhall, Roger, proc. Oxford, 487. Bromhall, Roger, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Bromley, sir Thos., chan. Oxford, 468. Bromley, Wm., burg. Oxford^ 500, 507. Bromley, right hon. William, burg. Ox- ford, 507. Bromyard, John de, chan. Cambridge, 599- Bronescomb, W^alter, archd. Surrey, 28. Brook, John, tax. Cambridge, 641. Brook or Broke, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 475. Brooke, Henry, Reg. prof. civ. law, Ox- ford, 512. Brooke, John, prb. Southwell, 419. Brooke, John, prb. York, 188. Brooke, Samuel, prb. York, 177. Brooke, Samuel, mast. Trinity coll. Cambridge, 699. Brooke, Thomas, dn. Chester, 265. Brooke, William, proc. Oxford, 486. Brooke, William, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. Brooke, Zachariah, Marg. prof. div. Cambridge, 655. Brookes, John, pre. York, 156. Brookes, Nicholas, jiroc. Oxford, 492. Brookes or Brooks,Jame8,mast. Balliol coll. Oxford, 540. Brooks, James, vice-chan. Oxford, 475, Brooks, Jonathan, archd. Livcrjjool, 268. Brooks, Nicholas, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Brooks or Brookes, James, mast. Bal- liol coll. Oxford, 540. Brough,, can. Windsor, 401. Broughton, Brian, proc. Oxford, 502. Broughton, Hugh, prb. Durham, 317. Broughton, .lohn, tax. Caml)ridge, 64 1. Broughton, Samuel or Stephen, prb. Worcester, 81. Broughton, WiUiain Grant, bp. Austra- lia, 338. Broughton,Wm.Grant.bp. Sydney, 338. Brounesgrove,John,prb.Southwell,44i. Brown, Edward, pre. Carlisle, 251. Brown, P'rancis, can. Windsor, 406. Brown, James, proc. Cambridge, 629, Brown, James, tax. Cambridge, 643. Brown, James, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 675. Brown, James, vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Brown, John, prb. Southwell, 445. Brown, John, ])roc. ('ambridge, 622. Brown, Jonath., prb. Westminster, 356. Brown, Thomas, can. Windsor, 401. Browne, Abraham, prb. Winchester, 40. Browne, Benjamin, proc. Oxford, 496. Browne, Cuthbert, prb. York, 193. Browne, Edmund, prb. York, 200. Browne, Francis, proc. Oxford, 496. Browne, George Adam, proc. Cam- bridge, 632. Browne, George Adam, tax. Cam- bridge, 646. Browne, John, prb. Durham, 310. Browne, John, can. Windsor, 395. Browne, John, j)roc. Oxford, 490. Browne, John, mast. University coll. Oxford, 538. Browne, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 478, Browne,Jos., prof, nat.phil. Oxford, 520. Browne, Joseph, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 553. Browne, Jos., vice-chan. Oxford, 479. Browne, Lancelot, proc.Cambridge, 6 19. Browne, Richard, j)rb. Worcester, 80. Browne, Richard, Reg. prof. Heb. Ox- ford, 515. Browne, Richard, L. Aim. read. Arab. Oxford, 532. Browne, Roger, can. Windsor, 396. Browne, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 626. Browne, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 493. Browne, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 640. Browne, Thos., prb. Westminster, 350. Browne, Thomas, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Browne, Thomas, Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 67.'^. Browne, 'Phomas, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 608, O12. Browne, Wolstan, proc. Oxford, 482. Browne, alias Cordon, Richard, prb. York, 1 79. Brownrigg, lUlph, prb. Durham, 319. Brownrigg, Ralph, mast. Catharine hall, Cambriiige, 08 7. Brownrigg, Ralph, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 606.