G8 WORCESTER. July 1675, and was buried in Worcester cathedral ^'^. His will is in the Prerogative Office of Canterbury^. 1675 Jamp:s Fleetwood, S.T.P., proi:ost of Kinns College, 77 Car. II. Camhridfje^ was elected 26th July 1*^75, confirmed 26th Aug. and consecrated on the 29th of the same month in the church of St. Peter Poor in Rroad-street, Lon- don^^ He died 17th July 1683, ajtat. 81, and was buried in Worcester cathedral. 1 683 William Thomas, bishojj of St. David s^ was translated to 32 Car. II. this see, in which he was confirmed 27th Aug. 1683^^-. He died 25th June 1689, and was buried in the cloister near the door on the south side of Worcester cathedral. 1689 Edwakd Stillixgfleet, S.T.P., dean of St. Paul's, iW. &M. London, was consecrated at Fulham 13th Oct. 1689^^ He died 27th March 1699, ^^^ ^^^® buried in Wor- cester cathedral 6^. 1700 William Lloyd, bishop of Co'ce)itry and Lichfeld, was II Will. III. translated to this see 22nd Jan. 1699-1700. He died 30th Aug. 17 17, in the 91st year of his age, and was buried in the parish church of Fladbury in Worcester- shire loth Sept. following. 17 17 John Hough, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, was 4 Geo. I. nominated to Worcester 7th Sept. 17 17, elected on the 2i8t, received the royal assent on the 22nd, was confirmed on the 28th ^'% and the temporalities were restored to him on the 30th of the same month 6^. He died 8th May 1743, ajtat. 93. 1743 Isaac jNIaddox, bishop of St. Asajdi, was nominated 17 Geo. II. to Worcester in May 1743, and confirmed at Bow- church 12th Nov. 1743^'". The temporalities were restored to him 2i8t Nov. following*^. He died 27th Sept. 1759.
- 9 Ex Epitaphio. and I>ondon Gazette.
^ Bence, 135. ^ E.x Epitaphio. "' Reg. Slieldon. f. 161, and ^ Rcf^.Wake. London Gazette. ^' Church Book, Home Office. fi^ Reg. Sane. f. 60. «' Keg.Wakc. III.
- • Reg. Suspens. Archiep. f. 7, ^^ Church Book, Home Office.