BISHOPS. 69 1759 James Johnson, bishop of Gloucester^ was nominated to 32 Geo. II. Worcester 5th Oct. 1759, elected on the 19th, and re- ceived the royal assent on the 26th of the same month : he was confirmed 9th Nov.^^, and the temporalities were restored to him 13th Nov.^o He died 26th Nov. 1774. 1774 Brownlow North, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield^ ijGeo.lll. vvas nominated to Worcester 5th Dec. 1774, elected on the 1 9th ; the royal assent to his election was given on the 22nd, he was confirmed on the 30th 7i, and the temporalities were restored to him on the same day^^^ He was translated to Winchester in May 1781. 1781 Richard Hurd, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield^ was 2 1 Geo.TII. nominated to Worcester 1 1 th June 1 7 8 1 , elected on the 1 8th, the royal assent was given to his election on the 27th, and he was confirmed on the 30th of the same month "-3; the temporalities were restored to him 5th July. He died 28th May 1808. 1808 FoLLioTT Herbert Walker Cornwall, bishop of 48 Geo. III. Hereford, was nominated to Worcester nth June 1808, and elected on the 28th of the same month 74, He received the royal assent to his election on the 30th of the same month, was confirmed 13th July75, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 14th of the same month^s. He died 5th Sept. 1831. 1 83 1 Robert James Carr, bishop of Chichester^ was nominated aWill. IV. to Worcester on the i oth, and elected 1 9th Sept. 1 83 1 . He obtained the royal assent on the 20th, was confirmed on the 23rd, and the temporalities were restored to him on the 28th of the same month 77. He died 24th April 1841. 1841 Henry Pepys, bishop ofSodor and Man, was nominated 4 Victoria, to Worcester 28th April, and elected 13th May 1841. ♦'•^ Reg. Seeker. 74 Reg. Sutton. 70 Church Book, Home Office. 75 ibid. 71 Reg, CornwalliH. 76 Church Book, Home Office. 73 Church Book, Home Office. '"^ Ibid. 7^ Reg. CornwaUis.