Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/765

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NOMINUM. 759 Hendeman orHyndman, Thomas, chan, Oxford, 466. Henderson, William George, proc. Ox- ford, 504. Hendry, Nicholas Langley, tax. Cam- bridge, 646. Heneage, George, prb. York, 181. Hengham, Ralph de, archd. Worces- ter, 74. Henneage, George, prb. York, 169. Henniball or Hemenhale, Thomas, bp. Worcester, 56. Henningham, Thomas, mast. Michael house, Cambridge, 696. Henricus Fihus Imberti Delphini de Vienna, archd. Worcester, 74. Henry, prb. Durham, 314. Henry, prb. Westminster, 369. Henry, prb. York, 178. Henry, archd. Carlisle, 249. Henry, archd. Winchester, 24. Henr}' of Blois, bp. Winchester, 7. Henshaw, John, prb. Durham, 318. Henshaw, alias Heronshaw, Henry, rect. Lincoln coll. Oxford, 557. Henslow, John Stevens, prof. bot. Cam- bridge, 664. Henslow, John Stevens, prof. min. Cambridge, 666. Hepburn, George, bp. Sodor, 325. Hepworth, William, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 661. Hepworth, Stephen de, chan. Cam- bridge, 597.^ Herbert, prb. Southwell, 415, 461. Herbert, George, pub. orat. Cambridge, 614. Herbert, John, prb. Westminster, 365. Herbert, Philip, chan. Oxford, 469. Herbert, William, ])rb. York, 172. Herbert, Hon. William, dn. Manches- ter, 334. Herbert, William, chan. Oxford, 468. Herbury, Nicholas, archd. Gloucester, Hercley or Harcla or Hertley, Henry de, chan. Oxford, 464. Herde, John, prb. York, 206. Here, Richard, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 582. Hereford, Nichola.s, chan. Oxford, 466. Hereforri, Hon. Robert viscount, hon. can. Durham, 320. Hereford, Thomas de, archd. North- umberland, 306. Herefrith, bp. Winchester, 4. Hereil or Herlc, Alexander, archd. Cleveland, 147. Heretage, Thomas, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. Herewarden, Henry de, chan. Cam- bridge, 598. Herington, James, prb. York, 179. Herks, alias Garbrand, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 489. Herks or Garbrand, Tobias, prin. Wor- cester coll. Oxford, 581. Herle, Hugh, archd. Durham, 303. Herle, John, prb. Y^ork, 176, 187, 217. Herle, Thomas, prb. Chester, 269. Herle, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 79. Herle or Hereil, Alexander, archd. Cleveland, 147. Hermesthorp, John de, archd. East- Riding, 142. Hern, John, can. Windsor, 405. Heme, Jaques, prb. Y^ork, 220. Heme, Robert, proc. Cambridge, 626. Heron, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 624. Heronshaw, alias Henshaw, Henry, Lincoln coll. Oxford, 557. Herring, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 420. Herring, Thomas, prb. York, 172. Herring, Thomas, abp. York, 118. Herring, William, prb. Southwell, 420. Herring, William, prb. York, 167, 222. Herrison, John, chan. Cambridge, 600. Herry, Nicholas, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ford, 549. Hersent, John, proc. Oxford, 495. Herst, alias Hurst, Christopher, prb. Winchester, 38. Hert, John, pre. York, 156. HertipoU, Hugh de, procurator, Balliol coll. Oxford, 539. Hertley or Harcla or Hercley, Henry de, chan. Oxford. 464. Hertyngdon, Adam de, can. Windsor, 379- Herwedon, prb. Southwell, 419. Hesketh, alias Blackleach, Huan, bp. Sodor and Man, 326. Heslop, John, proc. Cambridge, 631. Hesloj), Lucas, tax. Cambridge, 644. Hetersete, Thomas, ward. King's hall, Cambridge, 697. Heth, Nicholas de, prb. Southwell, 453. Heth, Nicholas de, prb. York, 2n. Heth, Richard, proc. Oxford, 481. Hctherset, Thomas de, chan. Cam- bridge, 599. Ilethersct or Wetherset, abas Cam- bridge, Richard de, chan. Cambridge, .,98. Hetliingham or Mchingham, John de, chan. Oxford, 465.