Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/766

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760 INDEX Heton, Martin, dn. Winchester, 22. Heton, Martin, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Heurtley, Charles Abel, hon. can. Wor- cester, 89. Heurtley, Charles Abel, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, rjiQ. Hewell, John, prl). York, 170. Hewett, Cornwallis, Down, prof, med. Cambridge, 666. Hewke or Huke, Walter, mast. Trinity hall, Cambridge, 679. Hewster, William, proc. Oxford, 484. Hewys, John, proc. Oxford, 486. Hexby or Kexby, William de, archd. Cleveland, 146. Hexchester, Roger, proc. Cambridge, 622. Hexeter, Roger, tax. Cambridge, 636. Hexham, John de, prb. York, 210. Hey, John, Norr. prof. div. Cambridge, 665. Hey, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 631. Heylin, Peter, prb. Westminster, 355. Heylyn, John, prb. Westminster, 366. Heynes, Simon, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 685. Heyrick, Nat., proc. Cambridge, 629. Heyth, John, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 582. Heytisbury or Heighterbury, William de, chan. Oxford, 465. Heywood, Robert, proc. Oxford, 493. Heyvvood, William, prb. Westminster, 358. Hickes, George, prb. A orcester, 86. Hickes, George, dn. Worcester, 72. Hickman, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 620. Hicks, John, prb. York, 175, 204. Hide, Thomas, ])rl). Chester, 269. Higbald, bp. I.indisfarne, 278. Higden, lirian, prb. York, 219. Higden, Brian, archd. York, 134. Higden, Brian, dn. York, 126. Higden, John, })rb. York, 223. Higden, John, j)res. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 561. Higdon, John, ])rb. York, 224. Higgin, (ieorge, ])rb, Southwell, 422. Higgs, Grirtin, proc. Oxford, 492. Higson, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 622. Hildesley, Mark, bp. Sodor and Man, 328. Hildyard, James, proc. Cambridge, 634. Hildyard, James, tax. Cambridge, 648. Hill, John, prb. Westminster, 355. Hill, John, proc. Oxford, 48 1. Hill, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Hill, John Samuel, prb. York, 172, 197. Hill, Joseph, proc. Cambridge, 624. Hill, Otthow, j)roc. Cambridge, 620. Hill, Richard, prb. York, 167. Hill, Richard, proc. Oxford, 492. Hill, Richard, tax, Cambridge, 639. Hill, Robert, prb. Winchester, 33. Hill, Thomas, mast. Trinity coll. Cam- bridge, 699. Hill, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Hill, Thomas, vice-chan. Oxford, 473. Hill, Walter, proc. Oxford, 483. Hilliard, Ezechiel, proc. Cambridge, 620. Hillington, Reginald de, prb. South- well, 453. Hills, John, mast. Catharine hall, Cam- bridge, 687. Hillyard, Temple, prb. Chester, 273. Hilton, Thomas, prb. York, 224. Hilton, Thomas de, prb. York, 171. Hinchcliffe, John, mast. Trinity coll. Cambridge, 700. Hinchcliffe, John, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 610. Hind, John, tax. Cambridge, 647. Hind, Richard, proc. Oxford, 499. Hinds, Samuel, dn. Carlisle, 248. Hinton, Lawrence, prb. Winchester, 42. Hinton, Thomas, can. Windsor, 409. Hird, Lamplugh, prb. York, 177. Hitch, Robert, prb. York, 193. Hitch, Robert, archd. East- Riding, 144. Hitch, Robert, dn. York, 127. Hoadley, John, prb. Winchester, 40. Hoadly, Benjamin, bp. Winchester, 20. Hoak or Hooke, John, chan, Cam- bridge, 597. Hoare, Charles James, prb. Winches- ter, 41. Hoare, Chas. James, archd. Surrey, 31, Hoare, Charles James, archd, Win- chester, 28. Hoare, Joseph, prb, Westminster, 367, Hoare, Joseph, j)rin. Jesus coll, Ox- ford, 576. Hoare, Thomas Mills, prb, York, 210. Hobart, Hon. Henry Lewis, dn. Wind- sor, 377. Hobart, Nicholas, proc.Cambridge,623. Hobbes, Thomas, can. Windsor, 390. Hobbes, Thomas, prb. York, 216. Hobbes, Thomas, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 559. Hobbes or liobbys, Thomas, dn. Wind- sor, 373. Hobbys, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 485, I