Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/773

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NOMINUM. 767 Johnson, James, vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Johnson, James, bp. Worcester, 69. Johnson, John, prb. Durham, 317. Johnson, John, tax. Cambridge, 637. Johnson, John, archd. Worcester, 75. Johnson, Joseph, prb. Southwell, 443. Johnson, Philip, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 594. Johnson, Richard, prb. Southwell, 424. Johnson, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 637. Johnson, Robert, prb. Southwell, 439. Johnson, Robert, can. Windsor, 396. Johnson, Robert, prb. Worcester, 79. Johnson, Robert, prb. York, 213. Johnson, Robert, tax. Cambridge, 641. Johnson, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 640, 642, 645.^ Johnson, Wm., proc. Cambridge, 631. Johnson, Wm., tax. Cambridge, 645. Johnstone, Chas. C. B., prb. York, 224. Jolife, Henry, prb. Worcester, 82. Jolhff, John, proc. Oxford, 485. Jollyffe, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 617. Jones, Charles, prb. Chester, 271. Jones, Edward, can. Windsor, 405. Jones, Ellis, proc. Oxford, 500. Jones, John, proc. Oxford, 495. Jones, John Collier, rect. Exeter coll. Oxford, 547. Jones, John Collier, vice-chan. Oxford, ^ 479- Jones, Morgan Walter, tax. Cam- bridge, 646. Jones, Robert, proc. Cambridge, 632. Jones, Robert, tax. Cambridge, 646. Jones, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 645. Jones, Walter, ])rb. Southwell, 435. Jones, Walter, prb. Westminster, 354, 360. Jones, Walter, prb. York, 199. Jones, William, prin. Jesus coll. Ox- ford, 576. Jordan, dn. York, 121. Jordan, John, prb. York, 221. Jordan, John, tax, (yamljridge, 642. Jortin, John, tax. Cambridge, 642. Joscelin, archd, Winchester, 24. Jovenzano, Aymon de, prb. York, 225. Jowett, Joseph, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cambridge, 658. Jovner, Martin, j)roc. Oxford, 483. Junb, (ieorge, chan. York, 165. Jubb, George, Ileg. prof. lleb. Oxford, Jude, John, proc. Cambridge, 623. JuHter, ThomaH, proc. Oxford, 481. Juxon, William, dn. Worcester, 71. Juxon, William, pres. St. John's coll. Oxford, 574. Juxon, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 477. K. Karlell or Carlile, Thomas de, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 552, Karlhyll, Chris, proc, Cambridge, 617. ICarvovir, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 484. Kay, John, prb. York, 167. Kaye, John, Reg. prof. div. Cambridge, 656. Kaye, John, mast. Christ's coll. Cam- bridge, 690. Kaye, John, vice-chan. Cambridge,6i2. Kaye, Richard, prb. Durham, 316. Kaye, Richard, prb. Southwell, 420, 43T- Kaye, Richard, prb. York, 206. Kaye, Richard, archd. Nottingham, 153. Kaye, Thomas, prb. York, 177. Kayle, Henry, prov. Oriel coll. Oxford, 549- Keale, John, prb. Southwell, 456. Keate, John, can. Windsor, 414. Keble, Edward, prb. Westminster, 351. Keble, John, prof. poet. Oxford, 530. Keene, Edmund, mast. Peter house, Cambridge, 669. Keene, Edmund, vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Keene, Edmund, bp. Chester, 261. Keil, John, Sav. prof, astron. Oxford, 522. Kele, William, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 559. Kelke, Roger, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 694. Kelke, Roger, vice-chan. Cambridge, 604. Kellawe or Kellow, Richard, bp. Dur- ham, 288. Kellet, Edward, prb. York, 199. Kellet, Edward, pre. York, 156. Kellow or Kellawe, Richard, bp. Dur- ham, 288. Kelly, George Desineth, prb. Southwell, 43^- Kelly, George Desineth, prb. York, 170, 177. Kelly, John, Reg. prof. med. Oxford, Kelly, John, prof. annt. Oxford, 527. Kelsey, Jost'|)h, jiroc. ('ainbiidge, 62,f^. KemeyH, Edward, tax. ('auibridge, 642. Ketnp, John, abp. York, 1 10. Kemp, ThomaH, j)rl). ^'ork, 183. Kcinpe, John, archd. Durham, 304.