Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/774

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768 INDEX Kempe, Thomas, prb. York, 199, 212, 213. Kempe, Thomas, ])roc. Oxford, 482. Kempe, Thomas, chan. York, 164. Kempe, Thos., archd. Richmond, 140. Kempe, Thomas, archd. York, 133. Kempe, Thomas, proc. Eton, 342. Ken, Thomas, prb. Winchester, 34. Kendale, John de, prb. Southwell, 462. Kendale, WilUam de, archd. Carhsle, 249. Kendall, Wilham de, prb. York, 210. Kenley, John de, prb. York, 224. Kennall, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Kennet, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 638. Kennett, Basil, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, 567. Kennicott, Benjamin, prb. Westmin- ster, 367. Kenrick, Scawen, prb. Westminster, 365- Kenton, Nicholas de, chan. Cambridge, 600. Kenulf alias Elsius, bp. Winchester, 6. Kenyon, John Robert, Vin. prof. com. law, Oxford, 532. Keppel, Frederick, can. Windsor, 409. Keppel, Hon. Frederick, dn. Windsor, 377- Kercher, Robert, prb. Winchester, 42. Kerrich, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 646. Kestill, William, proc. Oxford, 482. Kette, John, can. Windsor, 386. Kettell, Ralph, pres. Trinity coll. Ox- ford, 572. Kexby, John, chan. York, 164. Kexby, William, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. Kexby, William de, pre. York, 155. Kexby or Hexby, William de, archd. Cleveland, 146. Key, Arthur, prb. Carlisle, 254. Key, Thomas, ])roc. Cambridge, 632. Key, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 646. Key or Cains, Thomas, mast. Univer- sity coll. Oxford, 537. Keys, Roger, ward. All Souls coll. Ox- ford, 5r)9- Kidd, John, prof. anat. Oxford, 527. Kidd,John, Ald.jmif. anat. Oxford, 533. Kidd,John,Ald.])rof.chem. Oxford, 533. Kidd, Jolm, Reg.])r()f. med. Oxford, 514. Kiddall, (ioddard, prb. Southwell, 448. Kilby, Richard, Reg. j)rof. lleb. Ox- ford, 514. Kil])y, Richard, rect. Lincoln coll. Ox- ford, 557. Kildesby, Robert, prb. Southwell, 418. Kildesby, William, treas. York, 160. Kildesby,, prb. Southwell, 423. Kildesby, Robert de, prb. York, 211. Kildesby, William de, j)rb. York, 222. Kildesby or Kirdesby, Robert de, archd. Nottingham, 150. Kildisby, Will., prb. Southwell, 418. Killigrew, Henry, prb. Westminster,359. Killingbeck, John, prb. York, 193. Killingworth, John, proc. Oxford, 482. Kilvert, Richard, prb. Worcester, 83. Kimberley, Jonathan, prb. Westminster, .364- Kinaston, Francis, proc. Cambridge, 623. Kinaston, Francis, tax. Cambridge, 636. Kinebauton, Joceus de, archd. Glouces- ter, 77. King, Geoffrey, Reg. prof. Heb. Cam- bridge, 659. King, James, can. W^indsor, 410. King, John, prb. Westminster, 359. King, John, can. Windsor, 397, 400. King, John, prb. York, 225. King, John, proc. Oxford, 490. King, John, pub. orat. Oxford, 534. King, John, archd. Nottingham, 152. King, John, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 569. King, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 477. King, Joshua, Luc. prof, math, Cam- bridge, 662. King, Josh,, pres. Queens' coll. Cam- bridge, 684. King, Joshua, vice-chan. Cambridge, 612. King, Oliver, can. AVindsor, 389. King, Oliver, prb. York, 176, 187. King, Philip, pub. orat. Oxford, 535. King, Robert, proc. Cambridge, 622. King, Robert, mast. Trinity hall, Cam- bridge, 680. King, Walker, prb. Westminster, 368. King, Wilham, prin. St. Maj*y hall, Ox- ford, 585. King, William, archd. Northumberland, Kinge, John, can. Windsor, 399. Kinge, William, can. Windsor, 397. Kingescote, Wm. de, chan. Oxford, 464. Kingeston, John de, archd. Durham, 303- Kingscote, John, archd. Gloucester, 78. Kingscote, John, bp. Carlisle, 239. Kingsley, William Towler, proc. Cam- bridge, 634. Kingsley, William Towler, tax. Cam-f bridge, 648.