Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/799

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N O M I N U M. 793 Porter, William, ward. New coll. Ox- ford, 554. Porteus, Beilby, bp. Chester, 262. Portington, Thomas, prb. York, 166. Portington, Thomas, treas. York, 162. Portuensis Episcopus Cardinalis, prb. York, 178. Pory, John, prb. Westminster, 355. Possell, John de, prov. Oriel coU. Ox- ford, 548, Post, Walter, proc. Cambridge, 628. Postell, Richard, can. Windsor, 380. Postlethwaite, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, Postlethwaite, Thomas, mast. Trinity coll. Cambridge, 700. Postlethwaite, Thomas, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 611. Poteman, William, prb. York, 171, 216, 224. Poteman, Wm., archd. Cleveland, 147. Poteman, William, archd. East-Riding, 143- Poteman, W illiam, ward. AU Souls coll. Oxford, 559. Potter, Barnabas, prin. Edmund hall. Oxford, 594. Potter, Barnabas or Barnaby, bp. Car- lisle, 243. Potter, Barnaby, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 553. Potter, Christopher, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 553. Potter, Christopher, dn. Durham, 299. Potter, Christopher, dn. Worcester, 71. Potter, Christo., vice-chan. Oxford, 477. Potter, Hannibal, pres. Trinity coll. O.xford, 572. Potter, John, Reg. prof.div. Oxford, 510. Potter, Richard, prb. Worcester, 79. Potter, William, ])roc. Cambridge, 634. Potter, William, tax. Cambridge, 648. Pottie, Wilham, Reg. prof. med. Ox- ford, 513. Poulett or Pawlett, Jean, doyen de Jer- sey, 23. Poulter, Edmund, prb. Winchester, 35. Powell, Baden, Sav. prof. geom. Ox- ford, 521. Powell, (iriffith, jmn. Jesus coll. Ox- ford, 575. Powell, I high, prin. New-Inn hall, Ox- ford, r,88. Powell, Rfjbert, prb. York, 175. Powell, Thomas, prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 588. Powell, Thomas, archd. Worcester, 75. Powell, William, archd. Chester, 266. VOL. III. Powell, William Samuel, tax. Cam- bridge, 643. Powell, William Samuel, mast. St. John's coll. Cambridge, 693, Powell, William Samuel, vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Power, Joseph, proc. Cambridge, 633. Power, William, prb. York, 209. Powes, George, prb. Southwell, 433. Powtrell, . . , prin. New-Inn hall, Ox- ford, 588. Powys, Littleton Charles, proc. Cam- bridge, 633. Powys, Thomas, can. W^indsor, 412. Powys, Thomas, ward. King's hall, Cambridge, 697. Poxwell orPokyswell, John, prin. Alban hall, Oxford, 591. Poynet or Ponet, John, bp. Winches- ter, 17. Poynty, Charles, prb. Durham, 316. Pratt, John, prb. Southwell, 448. Pratt, Samuel, can. AVindsor, 406. Praty, Richard, chan. Oxford, 467. Prentys, John, prb. York, 203. Prentys, Richard, prb. Southwell, 419. Prentys, Richard, can. Windsor, 383. Prentys, William, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 582. Presbury, Thomas, chan. Oxford, 466. Presbyter or Circester, Henry, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Prescot, Kenrick, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 687. Prescot, Kenrick, vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Prescott, John, prb. Chester, 271. Prest or Prust, John, can. Windsor, 380. Preston, John, prb. York, 206, 210. Preston, John, mast. Emmanuel coll. Cambridge, 701. Preston, Nicholas, prb. Winchester, 33. Preston, Thomas, prb. York, 183. Preston, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 618,631. Preston, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 644. Preston, Thomas, mast. Trinity hall, Cambridge, 679. Preston, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 605. Preston, William, prb. York, 174. Pretym.'in, (ico., prb.WfStminsler, 367. Pretyman, (Jeorgc, tax. Cambridge, 645. Prctyman, (ieorgc Thomas, prl). Win- chester, 40. Price, Aubrey (JhaH,. nroc. Oxford, ,^,03. Price, Edmund or Eclward, prin. New- Inn hall, Oxford, 589. 5 »