Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/800

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794 INDEX Price, John, tax. Cambridge, 641. Price, Robert, prb. Durham, 311, 313. Price, Theodore, prb. Westminster, 356. Price, Theodore, ])rb. Winchester, 39. Price, Theodore, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Price, William, i)rof. mor. phil. Ox- ford, 522. Prichard, Robert, prb. Worcester, 87. Pricklowe, John, prb. York, 179. Prideaux, Dionyse, proc. Oxford, 492. Prideaux, John, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 509. Prideaux, John, rect. Exeter coll. Ox- ford, 546. Prideaux, John, vice- chan. Oxford, 477. Prideaux, John, bp. Worcester, 66. Primrose, Gilbert, can. Windsor. 400. Prior, Christopher, prin. New-Inn hall, Oxford, 589. Pritchard, Henry, proc. Oxford, 505. Pritchard, Wilham, proc. Oxford, 490. Proby, Charles, can. Windsor, 413. Procter, Francis, tax. Cambridge, 648. Procter, Joseph, tax. Cambridge, 646, 647. Procter, Joseph, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 687. Procter, Joseph, vice-chan. Cambridge, 611, 612. Proctor, George, prb. Southwell, 454. Proctor, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 483. Prophete, John, prb. York, 179, 198. Prophete, John, dn. York, 124. Prosser, Richard, prb. Durham, 311. Prosser, Richard, proc. Oxford, 501. Prosser, Richard, archd. Durham, 305. Prowet, Alexander, prb. Southwell, 426. Prust, Joseph Prust, proc. Oxford, 502. Prust or Prest, John, can. Windsor, 380. Prymc, George, prof. pol. econ. Cam- bridge, 666. Pudsey, Alexander, proc. Oxford, 495. Pudsey, Burchard, treas. York, 158. Pudsey, Buchard, archd, archd. Dur- ham, 302. Pudsey, Hugh, treas. York, 158. Pudsey,Hugh, archd. East-Riding, 141. Pudsey, Hugh, archd. Winchester, 24. Pudsey, Hugh, ])p. Durham, 283. Pulham, Richard de, mast. Gonville hall, Cambridge, 676. Pullen, Nicholas, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 594. Pulley, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 617. PuUeyn, Benj., proc. Cambridge, 624. Pulleyn, Benjamin, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 660. PuUeyne, Robert, chan. Oxford, 463. Pulling, James, tax. Cambridge, 648. Pulhng, James, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cam])ridge 682. Pulling, James, vice-chan. Cambridge, 613. Pully, Richard, bp. Sodor and Man, 326. Pulton, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 486. Purkis, William, proc. Cambridge, 630. Purkis, William, tax. Cambridge, 645. Purnell, John, ward. New coll. Oxford, 556. Purnell, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Puroyfoy,Arthur, proc. Cambridge, 619. Pursglove, Robert, archd. Nottingham, 152. Purveyor, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 483. Pury, Daniel, proc. Oxford, 491. Purye, William, prb. Carhsle, 253. Pusey, Edward Bouverie, Reg. prof. Heb. Oxford, 0*0- Pybalotto, Thomas, prb. York, 224. Pycroft, Samuel, proc. Cambridge, 627. Pycroft, Samuel, tax. Cambridge, 638. Pye, Benjamin, archd. Durham, 305. Pye, Henry Anthony, prb. Worcester, 83. Pye, John, can. W^indsor, 385. Pye, Wilham, prb. Westminster, 359. Pye, W^illiam, can. Windsor, 395. Pye, W^ilhara, proc. Oxford, 487. Pye, William, prin. St. Mary hall, Ox- ford.. 585. Pygott, Richard, prb. Southwell, 444. Pygott, Richard, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 585. Pykering, Alan de, prb. Southwell, 461. Pykering, Robt. de, prb. York, 172, 192. Pykering, William de, prb. York, 184, 189, 192. Pyle, Edmund, prb. Winchester, 34. Pyle, Edmund, archd. York, 135. Pyle, Thomas, prb. Winchester, 37. Pylton, Wilham, archd. York, 133. Pylton, William, prb. York, 183. Pypard, John, tax. Cambridge, 638. Pyrie, John de, subd. York, 128. Pytt, John,ward.Wadham coll. Oxford, 577- Pyttes, Richard, prb. York, 191. Pyttes, Richard, treas. York, 161. Pytts, John, prin. Edmund hall, Ox- ford, 593. Pytts, Richard, prb. ork, 187. Q. Quadring, Gabriel, tax. Cambridge, 639. Quadring,Gabriel,proc.Cambridge,625.