Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/805

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N O M I N U M. 799 Rooke, George Henry, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Rooke, George Henry, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 610. Rookes, Christopher, prin. Magdalen haU, Oxford, 586. Roolwer, bp. Sodor and Man, 323. Roos, . . . . , mast. Michael house, Cam- bridge, 696. Roos, John, prb. York, 202. Roos, Nicholas de, ward. King's hall, Cambridge, 697. Roper, Francis, tax. Cambridge, 639. Roper, John, Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 518. Roper. John, vice-chan. Oxford, 474. Ros, Nicholas de, prb. York, 205. Rosewell, John, can, ^Yindsor, 404. Ross, John, prb. Durham, 320. Ross, Peter de, prb. York, 170. Ross, Peter de, pre. York, 154. Ross, Peter de, archd. Carlisle, 248. Rosse, John, tax. Cambridge, 643. Rosse, John de, bp. Carlisle, 235. Rosse, Robert de, archd. Carlisle, 249. Roterdam or Roterodamus, Erasmus Desiderius, Marg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 654. Roterham, Richard, chan. Oxford, 467. Roterodamus or Roterdam, Erasmus Desiderius, Marg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 654. Rothbury, William, archd. Carlisle, 249. Rotheler, Richard, can. Windsor, 377. Rotheram,Thos., chan. Cambridge, 600. Rotheram, William de, archd. Notting- ham, 150. Rotheram, alias Scot, Thomas, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 673. Rotherefield, alias Langton or Ruder- feld, William de, (York,) 103. Rotherfeld, William, treas. York, 158. Rotherfeld, William de, prb. South- vv-ell, 41.-;, 434. Rotherfield, William de, (Carlisle,) 233. R^jtherham, aUas Scot, Thomas, abp. York, 112. Rougham, William de, mast. Gonville hall, Cambridge, 676. Rouhale or Ronhale, Richard, prb. York, 183. Rouhand, John, prb. York, 221. R^jund, James ThoH., proc. Oxford, 503. R^jundell or Rundle, Thomas, prb., 320. Rinis, (iilcH de, prb. York, 204. Rous or Ilowse, Franciw, pro v. Eton, 344. Routli, Martin Joseph, proc. Oxford, 50 1. Routh, Martin Joseph, pres. Magdalen coll. Oxford, 563. Routh, Thomas, prb. York, 216. Rowden, Francis, proc. Oxford, 502. Rowe, George, prb. York, 213. Rowell, Roger de, chan. Oxford, 464. Rowlandson, James, can. Windsor, 401. Rowley, George, mast. University coll. Oxford, 539. Rowley, George, vice-chan. Oxford, 479- Rowley, Nicholas, proc. Cambridge, 616. Rowlston, Robert, prb. York, 183. Rowse or Rous, Francis, prov. Eton, 344- Rowthall or Ruthall, Thomas, archd. Gloucester, 78. Rowthall or Ruthall, Thomas, chan. Cambridge, 601. Royse, George, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ford, 551. Rudbourn or Radburn, Thomas de, v'ard. Merton coll. Oxford, 543. Rudd, John, prb. Durham, 317. Rudd, John, prb. Southwell, 425. Rudd, John, prb. Winchester, 32. Rudde, Ralph, prin. Edmund hall, Ox- ford, 594. Ruderfeld, alias Langton, W^illiam de, dn. York, 121. Ruderfeld, alias Langton or Rothere- field, William de, (York,) 103. Ruderhith,Ruderyth or Rudruth, Ralph, chan. Oxford, 466. Ruderyth, Ralph, chan. Oxford, 466. Rudruth, Ralph, chan. Oxford, 466. Ruffus, archd. East-Riding, 141. Rufus, bp. Durham, 283. Rugge, John, prb. Westminster, 354. Rugge, John, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 583. Rugge, Robert, chan. Oxford, 466. Rugge, William, chan. Oxford, 466. Rugge or Rygge, Robert, chan. Ox- ford, 466. Ruggle, George, tax. Cambridge, 63,rj. Rumworth, Henry, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 593. Runcorn, Thomas, prb. Chester, 269. Runcorne.'l'homas, ])rb.Wi!ic]iestor,32. Rundle, Thomas, j)rb. Durham, 309. Rundle or Roundell, Thomas, prb. Dur- ham, 320. RufjibuH, Peter de, or sir Pierre des Roches, bj). Winchester, 8. Ru|)ibuN or Roches, Hugli dc, archd. Winchester, 2.^. Ruslie, Anthony, can. Windsor, 396.