Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/806

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800 INDEX. Rushton, JohA, hon. can. Manchester, 334- Rushton, John, archd. Manchester, 334. Rushvorth,Chas.,proc.Cambridge,632. Rushworth, Chas., tax. Cambridge, 646. Russel, John, chan. Oxford, 468. Russel, Wm., bp. Sodor and Man, 324. Russell, Henry, prin. Worcester coll. Oxford, 580. Russell, John, proc. Oxford, 500. Russell, William, proc. Oxford, 503. Russell, Lord Wriothesly, can. Wind- sor, 414. Russinol, Peter de, pre. York, 154. Ruthall, Thomas, bp. Durham, 293. Ruthall or Rovvthall, Thomas, archd. Gloucester. 78. Ruthall or Rowthall, Thomas, chan. Cambridge, 601. RutherforthjThos., tax. Cambridge, 643. Rutherforth, Thomas, Reg. prof. div. Cambridge, 656. Rutter, Samuel, archd. Man, 329. Rutter, Sam., bp. Sodor and Man, 327. Ryder, Richard, prb. Winchester, 32. Rydley,Nicholas,prb.Westminster,356. Rye, George, Reg. prof. div. Oxford, 510. Rygater, John de, chan. Oxford, 463. Ry gge or Rugge, Robert, chan. Ox- ford, 466. Ryggenhale or Rickenhale, John, prb. York, T87. Rykyngale or Rickengale, John, chan. York, 164. Ryley, Henry, can. Windsor, 395. Rynald, Thomas, prb. York, 204. Rypone, Roger de, pre. York, 155. Ry[)one, Roger de, archd. Cleveland, 146. Ry'e or Reeve, Richard, prb. West- minster, 357. Ryve or Reve, Rich., can. Windsor, 396. Ryves, Bruno, dn. Windsor, 375. Ryves, George, prb. Winchester, 36. Ryves, George, ward. New coll. Ox- ford, 555. Ryves, George, vice-chan. Oxford, 476. Ryves, John, prb. Winchester, 37. S. S. Agatha, Rich, de, chan. Oxford, 463. S. Agatha, Robert de, archd. Durham, 302. S. Austolo, alias Cornwaleys, Philip de, archd. Winchester, 25. S. Barbara, William de, dn, York, 120. S. narl)ara, Wm. de, bp. Durham, 283. S. Edmundo, Roger de, archd. Rich- mond, 136. S. Eustachio, Francis de, archd. East- Riding, 142. S. German, John de, (Worcester,) 53. S. John, Oliver, chan. Cambridge, 602. S. Mauro, Peter de, archd. Surrey, 29. S. Medardo, Geoffrey de, archd. Rich- mond, 137. Sabaudia or Savoy, Louis de, prb. York, o -, .- Sabella, Peter de, prb. York, 178. Sabello, Pandulph de, prb. York, 203. Sabello, Pandulph de, subd. York, 128. Sackvile, Thomas, chan. Oxford, 469. Sadler, John, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 695. Sadler, Thomas, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. Saham, Hervey de, chan. Oxford, 464. Saintjust, Thomas, ward. King's hall, Cambridge, 698. Sale, George James, proc. Oxford, 500. Salinas, Alphonsus de, prb. Westmin- ster, 355. Salisbury, John, bp. Sodor & Man, 327. Salkeld, Lancelot, dn. Carlisle, 246. Salter, Edward, prb. Winchester, 40. Salter, Edward, prb. York, 216. Salter, Nathaniel, proc. Oxford, 495. Salter, Richard, prin. New-Inn liall, Oxford, 588. Saluciis, G. de, prb. York, 201. Salveyn, Anthony, mast. University coll. Oxford, 537. Salveyn, Richard, mast. University coll. Oxford, 537. Salwyn, Anth., prb. Durham, 318, 319. Sammeres or Saumares, John, can. Windsor. 404. Sammes, William, tax. Cambridge, 638. Sampson, archd. York, 132. Sampson, Henry, prb. York, 198. Sampson, Henry, prin. St. Mary hall, Oxford, 584. Sampson, Henry, prov. Oriel coll. Ox- ^ ford, 549. Sampson,iathaniel,prb. Southwell, 449. Sampson, Richard, prb. York, 205. Samjjson, Richard, dn. Windsor, 373. Sampson, Thomas, prb. Durham, 315. Sampson, Thomas, prb. York, 192. Sampson, Tiios., archd. Cleveland, 146. Sampson, Thomas, dn. Christ Church, Oxford, 568. Sampson, Thomas, dn. York, 123. Samson, bp. Worcester, 49. Samson, John, proc Cambridge, 616. Samwayes, Peter, prb. York, 171. Sancroft, . . . . , prb. Durham, 318. I