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As the Doctor was conveyed to Bridewell, ſhe was attended by many inſults from the mob; but what was more unjuſtifiable, was the cruel treatment which the poor innocent wife received from her own ſex, upon the extraordinary accounts which ſhe had formerly given of her huſband.

Accordingly at the enſuing ſeſſions of the peace for the county of Somerſet, the Doctor was indicted for the abovementioned diabolical fact, and after a fair trial convicted, to the entire ſatisfaction of the whole court.

At the trial the ſaid Mary Price the wife, was produced as a witneſs, and being aſked by the council, whether ſhe had ever any ſuſpicion of the Doctor’s ſex during the whole time of the courtſhip, ſhe anſwered poſitively in the negative. She was then aſked how long they had been married, to which ſhe anſwered three months; and whether they had cohabited the whole time together? to which her reply was in the affirmative. Then the council aſked her, whether during the time of this cohabitation, ſhe imagined the Doctor had behaved to her as a huſband ought to his wife? Her modeſty confounded her a little at this queſtion; but ſhe at laſt anſwered ſhe did imagine ſo. Laſtly, ſhe was aſked when it was that ſhe firſt harboured any ſuſpicion of her being impoſed upon? To which ſhe anſwered, ſhe had not the leaſt ſuſpicion till her huſband was carried before a magiſtrate, and there diſcovered, as hath been ſaid above.

The priſoner having been convicted of this baſe and ſcandalous crime, was by the court ſentenced to be publickly and ſeverely whipt four ſeveral times, in four market towns within the county of Somerſet, to wit, once in each market town, and to be impriſoned, &c.

Theſe whippings ſhe has accordingly undergone, and very ſeverely have they been inflicted, inſo-