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much, that thoſe perſons who have more regard to beauty than to juſtice, could not refrain from exerting ſome pity toward her, when they ſaw ſo lovely a ſkin ſcarified with rods, in ſuch a manner that her back was almoſt flead: yet ſo little effect had the ſmart or ſhame of this puniſhment on the perſon who underwent it, that the very evening ſhe had ſuffered the firſt whipping, ſhe offered the goaler money, to procure her a young girl to ſatisty her moſt monſtrous and unnatural deſires.

But it is to be hoped that this example will be ſufficient to deter all others from the commiſſion of any ſuch foul and unnatural crimes: for which, if they ſhould eſcape the ſhame and ruin which they ſo well deſerve in this world, they will be moſt certain of meeting with their full puniſhment in the next: for unnatural affections are equally vicious and equally deteſtable in both ſexes, nay, if modeſty be the peculiar characteriſtick of the fair ſex, it is in them moſt ſhocking and odious to proſtitute and debaſe it.

In order to caution therefore that lovely ſex, which, while they preſerve their natural innocence and purity, will ſtill look moſt lovely in the eyes of men, the above pages have been written, which, that they might be worthy of their peruſal, ſuch ſtrict regard hath been had to the utmoſt decency, that notwithſtanding the ſubject of this narrative be of a nature ſo difficult to be handled inoffenſively, not a ſingle word occurs through the whole, which might ſhock the moſt delicate ear, or give offence to the pureſt chaſtity.
