of sixteen miles per second. It culminates Jan. 25th.
Ant-Ār-es, or An-ta'-rez, (α) Scorpii, "the rival of Mars."
Situated in the heart of the Scorpion. Fiery red and
emerald green in color. It culminates July 11th.
Arc-tü-rus, (α) Boötis, "the leg of the lance-bearer," or "the bear-keeper."
Situated in the left knee of the Herdsman. Golden yellow in color. It culminates June 8th.
Arided, See Deneb.
Arneb,(är'-neb) (α) Leporis, "the hare," the Arab name for the constellation.
Situated in the heart of the Hare. Pale yellow in color. It culminates Jan. 24th.
(α) Leporis is sometimes called Arsh.
(är'-kab) (β) Sagittarii, "the tendon uniting the calf of the leg to the heel."
Situated in the Archer's left fore leg.
Ashfar, (μ) and (ε) Leonis, "the eyebrows."
Situated close to the Lion's right eye. (μ) orange in color, sometimes called Alshemali or Asmidiske.
(as-pi-dis'ke) or Asmidiske, (ι) Argus, "in the gunwale."
Situated in the shield which ornaments the vessel's stern. Pale yellow in color.
The Century Dictionary gives "a little shield" as the meaning for this star name.
Ascella, (ζ) Sagittarii, "the armpit." Situated near the Archer's left armpit. It culminates Aug. 19th.