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Names of the Stars

Ascelllus, (θ) Boötis.
It marks the finger tips of the Herdsman's upraised hand

Ascellus Borealis, (ν) Cancri, "northern ass."
Straw color,

Ascellus Australis, (δ) Cancri, "the southern ass."
Situated on the back of the Crab. Straw color.

Atik, (ο) Persei.
Situated in the wing on the right foot of Perseus.

Azelfafage, (π) Cygni, "the horse's foot or track."

Azha, (η) Eridani, "the ostrich's nest."
Pale yellow in color.

Baham, (θ) Pegasi, "the young of domestic animals."
Situated near the left eye of Pegasus.

Baten Kaitos, (ζ) Ceti, "the whale's belly."
A topaz-yellow-colored star, which culminates Dec. 5th

Beid, (ba:'-id) (ο) Eridani, "the egg."
A very white star.

Bel'-la-trix, (γ) Oronis, "the female warrior." The Amazon star.
Situated in the left shoulder of Orion. Pale yellow in color. It is receding from the earth at the rate of six miles per second, and culminates Jan. 22d.
The Century Dictionary gives the color as very white.

Be-net'-nasch, (η) Ursæ Majoris, "the chief or governor of the mourners" (alluding to the fancied bier).
Situated in the tip of the Great Bear's tail. Brilliant white in color. It is approaching the earth at the rate of sixteen miles per second, and culminates June 2d.
This star is also called Alkaid.