Betelgeuze (Bet-el-gerz'), (α) Orionis, "the giant's shoulder," or "the armpit of the central one."
Situated in the right shoulder of Orion. Orange in color. It is receding from the earth at the rate of ten miles per second, and culminates Jan. 29th.
Sometimes called Mirzam, the roarer.
(bō-tē-in'), (δ) Arietis, "the little belly."
Ca-pel'-la, (α) Aurigæ, "the she-goat."
Situated in the left shoulder of the Charioteer. It is a white star, and is receding from the earth at the rate of fifteen miles per second. It culminates Jan. 19th. The color of Capella is nearly that of the sun.
(kaf), (β) Cassiopeiæ, "the camel's hump," or "the hand."
It is white in color, and culminates Nov. 11th.
Cas'-tor, (α) Geminorum, "the horseman of the twins."
Its color is bright white, and it culminates Feb. 23d. Situated in the head of Castor. The Century Dictionary gives the color as greenish.
Cheleb, (β) Ophiuchi.
Situated in the head of the Serpent. It is a yellow star, and culminates Aug. 30th.
(chôrt), (θ) Leonis.
Situated in the hind quarters of the Lion. It culminates April 24th. The Century Dictionary has (θ) Centauri for this star.
Cor Caroli
(kör kar'-ō-lī), (α) Can. Ven., "the heart of Charles II."
It is flushed white in color, and culminates May 20th. A yellowish star according to the Century Dictionary.