(ha-mäl'), (α) Arietis, "the head of the sheep."
Situated in the forehead of the Ram. It is yellow in color, and is approaching the earth at the rate of nine miles per second. It culminates Dec. 11th.
(ho-mam'), (ζ) Pegasi, "the lucky star of the hero, or the whisperer."
Situated in the neck of Pegasus. Light yellow in color. It culminates Oct. 22d. The Century Dictionary gives this star name to (η) Pegasi.
Hyadum I, (γ) Tauri.
Situated in the Hyades, the nose of the Bull. A yellow star.
Izar, Mirach, or Mizar (ē-zar), (ε) Boötis, "the girdle."
Pale orange in color. It is approaching the earth at the rate of ten miles per second, and culminates June 16th. A beautiful colored double star.
Jabbah (Jab'-bä), (ν) Scorpii, "crown of the forehead."
A triple star,
Kaus Australis (kâs), (ε) Sagittarii, "the southern part of the bow,"
An orange-colored star. It culminates Aug. 8th.
Kaus Borealis (kâs), (λ.) Sagittarii, "the northern part of the bow."
Orange color.
Kitalpha, (β) Equulei, the Arab name for the asterism.
In the head of the Little Horse, It culminates Sept. 24th.
Ko'-chab (kō-kāb'), (β) Ursæ Minoris, "the star of the North."
Situated in the right shoulder of the Little Bear. One of the two Guardians of the Pole. It is reddish