in color, and is receding from the earth at the rate of eight miles per second. It culminates June 19th.
Kornephoros, (β) Herculis, the Arab name for the constellation.
Situated in the right arm-pit of Hercules. Pale yellow in color. It is approaching the earth at the rate of twenty-two miles per second. It culminates July 12th.
Lesuth, (ν) Scorpii, "the sting."
Situated in the tip of the Scorpion's tail. It culminates July 27th.
Marfak (már'fak), (θ) Cassiopeiæ, "the elbow."
Situated in the left elbow of Cassiopeia. This star name is also given to (μ) Cassiopeiæ.
Marfic (mär'-fik), (λ) Ophiuchi, "the elbow."
Situated in the left elbow of the Serpent Bearer. Yellowish white in color.
Marfik (mär' fik), or Marsic, (κ) Hercuils, "the elbow."
Situated in the right elbow of Hercules. Light yellow in color.
Mar'-kab (mär' kab), (α) Pegasi, Arab word for "saddle". Century Dictionary gives "a wagon" or "chariot.".
Situated in the base of the Horse's neck. It is a white star which is receding from the earth at the rate of three quarters of a mile a second. It culminates Nov. 3d.
Markeb, (κ) Argus.
Situated in the stern of the Ship. It culminates Mar. 25th
Marsym, (λ) Herculis, "the wrist."
Situated in the left wrist of Hercules. Deep yellow in color.