Matar or Sad (Säd), "a lucky star, " or more fully, Sad-Mator, (η) Pegasi, "the fortunate rain."
Situated in the left fore leg of Pegasus.
Mebusta, Mebsuta (Meb-sö'-ta) or Meboula, (ε) Geminorum, "the outstretched."
A brilliant white star situated in the right knee of Castor.
Media, or Kaus Media, (δ) Sagittarii, "middle (of the) bow."
Orange yellow in color. It culminates Aug. 8th.
Mē-gres, or (Mē'-grez), (δ) Ursæ Majoris, "the root of the bear's tail."
It is a pale yellow star, and culminates May 10th. This star is the faintest of the seven which form the Dipper.
Meissa, (λ) Orionis.
Situated in the face of the Giant Hunter. Pale white in color.
Mekbuda (mek-bū'-dā), (ζ) Geminorum, "the contracted (arm)."
Situated in the left knee of Pollux. Pale topaz
in color.
Menkalinan (men-ka-lē-nan'
Men-kal'-i-nan), (β) Aurigæ, "the shoulder of the rein-holder or driver."
Situated in the right arm of the Charioteer. A lucid yellow star which is receding from the earth at the rate of seventeen miles per second. It culminates Jan. 29th. This star was one of the first discovered and most remarkable "spectroscopic binaries."
Menkar (men'kār), (α) Ceti, "the nose, or snout."
Situated in the nose of Cetus. Bright orange in color. It culminates Dec. 21st. Sometimes written Menkab.