(sher-a-tan'), (β) Arietis, "a sign," or "the two signs."
Situated in the Ram's horn. A pearly white star culminating Dec. 7th.
Sir'-i-us, (α) Canis Majoris, "the sparkling star or scorcher."
Situated in the mouth of the Great Dog. Brilliant white in color. The brightest of the fixed stars. It culminates Feb. 11th.
(sit'-ū-lā), (κ) Aquarii, "the water jar or bucket."
Situated in the rim of the Water Jar.
Skat, or Scheat, (δ) Aquarii, "a wish," or possibly it means a "shin bone."
Situated in the right leg of Aquarius.
Spī'ca, (α) Virginis, "the ear of wheat or corn" (held in the Virgin's left hand).
A brilliant flushed white star, which is approaching the earth at the rate of nine miles a second. It culminates May 28th.
Sualocin, or Svalocin (sval'-ō-sin), Nicolaus reversed, (α) Delphini.
A pale yellow star culminating Sept. 15th.
Sulapfat, or Sulaphat (sō'-lä-fät), "the tortoise," (γ) Lyræ. Arabian title for the whole constellation.
It is bright yellow in color, and culminates Aug. 19th.
Syrma, (ι) Virginis; this name used by Ptolemy to designate this star in the train of the Virgin's robe.
Talita (tä'-lē-tä), (κ) or (ι) Ursæ Majoris, "the third vertebra."
Situated in the right fore paw of the Great Bear. Topaz yellow in color.