Tania Borealis, (λ) Ursæ Majoris.
Tania Australis, (μ) Ursæ Majoris, a red star.
These stars are situated in the right hind foot of the Great Bear, The former star culminates Apr. 8th.
(tar'-a-zed), (γ) Aquilæ, "the soaring falcon," part of the Persian title for the constellation.
Situated in the body of the Eagle. A pale orange star, culminating Aug. 31st.
Tegmeni, (ζ) Cancri, "in the covering."
A yellow-colored star.
(thö-ban'), (α) Draconis, "the dragon," the Arab title for the constellation.
Situated in one of the Dragon's coils. It is pale yellow in color, and culminates June 7th.
Unuk al Hay
Unukalhai (ū'-nuk-al-hā'-i) , (α) Serpentis, "the neck of the snake."
A pale yellow star which is receding from the earth at the rate of fourteen miles a second. It culminates July 28th.
Vë'ga, or Wega, (α) Lyræ, "falling," i.e., the falling bird, "the harp star."
A beautiful pale star sapphire in color. It is approaching the earth at the rate of nine miles a second. It culminates Aug. 12th.
Vindemiatrix, (ε) Virginis, "the vintager or grape gatherer."
Situated in the Virgin's right arm. A bright yellow star culminating May 22d.
(wä'-sat), (δ) Geminorum, "the middle."
Situated in the body of Pollux. Pale white in color. It culminates Feb. 19th.