Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 4.pdf/18

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Meeker, Colo. Meeker, CO, May 19,1910 May 19, 1910.

Up at 7:15 a.m. Bright and warm. Breakfasted with Riland, then went with him to call on Mr. Donnelly, a taxidermist, who was not at home. He had an enormous mt. lion Puma concolor skin prepared with an immense head. Met Miss Davis and Miss Shafcott (?) teachers in the Meeker School, Mr. Stocky (Miss Carr's uncle). Called on Mr. Lytle, editor of Herald and Mr. J. H. Dennis, Episcopal rector. The Henry J. Hay, one of the school directors took me through the graded school. Also met Mr. Oland, in the bank, a University graduate. Mr. Moulton, a bank official, called on me at the hotel, having a son in the University. Dr. Samuel French took me to his rooming house and showed me some Indian grave relics which he presented to the University and Mr. Strocker, in the drug store, agreed to pack them for shipment. Met Principal Hale at the hotel table at noon. Afternoon