Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/201

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armed gorilla. But this mug surrendered completely when the director puts a uniform and make-up on him and lets him appear before the camera as a policeman in a brief scene with Myrtle. That scene was a wow!

Meanwhile, Ptomaine's trainin' for Two-Punch McGazzati was absolutely forgot, in spite of the tact that I constantly reminded him he'd get beat up for nothin' and have to pay a fine of $500 on top of that if he lost.

"Stop squawkin'!" he tells me. "Myrtle's goin' to watch 'at fight and with her lookin' on out of them hypnotizin' navy-blues eyes of hers, I'll lay 'at blank cartridge like a rug!"

No kiddin', them movie birds should of been jailed for cruelty to animals for the run-around they give that baby!

As the results of all this, Ptomaine managed to prevail on Kid Roberts to secretly meet his admirers, which was all they was after from the start. When I fin'ly bump Ptomaine off, I'll go before any jury in the world and tell 'em only a tenth of my reasons for croakin' the big dumb-bell and they'll not only let me go; they'll give me a lovin' cup!

Ptomaine frames the meetin' to take place whilst him and the Kid is supposed to be out doin' road work one day. The instant they shook hands, the fascinatin' Myrtle Magnificent begins doin' her stuff and she put everything she had—plenty!—on the ball. Her open admiration and the combined pleadin's of the rest of her gang wins the good-natured Kid Roberts over in no time at all, and although I yelled murder, he let's 'em