Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/202

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come out to see him wind up his trainin' for Knockout Ford. That was one of the most fatal invitations he ever extended in his life and showed me that courtesy was no virtue, but a vice!

Not content with bein' a privileged spectator in the trainin' camp, Hubert de Grasse wants to set up a camera and take some movies of Kid Roberts and his sparrin' partners. But even the Kid balked at that, whilst I told this director that if I had his nerve I'd bottle the Hudson River and sell it for orangeade! How the so ever, the busy Myrtle went to work on Kid Roberts, assisted by the love-lorn Ptomaine, and once again they score a win! The director swears on the hotel register that the pictures won't be showed till long after the Kid has fought Knockout Ford ard then would only be used as "atmosphere" in "Cuckoo Husbands," the film they're makin'. He points out the publicity it would mean for Kid Roberts and how other fighters, equally as famous, had not scorned to appear before the humble camera. Honest, that guy talked steady for a hour and then Myrtle relieved him.

She started her summin' up by statin' that "Cuckoo Husbands" would make or break her with the public and the world knew how anxious she is to have everything double perfect. Thus, fight scenes made at a real fighter's camp would naturally have it all over anything faked at a movie studio, etc. In jumps Mons de Grasse at this critical point to add that of course they was willin' to pay for the honor. Seein' that Kid Roberts was goin' to let 'em have their will with him,