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it means to me and so does Kane. Do you want to be responsible for my having done all that for nothing?"

I ain't a particle comfortable, that's a fact, but I can't cuddle up to the idea of a woman—especially a young good looker—mixin' in politics. Maybe I'm all wrong, but I think it's too rotten a game for 'em to cope with, what I mean!

"Eh—well, that's a kind of tough way to put it," I says, stallin' for time. "I—I'll toss my vote in for you, if that'll help any, but——"

"What difference can it possibly make if the contest is held Election Day or the day after?" butts in Dolores, impatiently.

"Plenty difference!" I says, promptly, now on a subject which I could talk about freely. "This fight's had a million dollars worth of advertisin' for that date, I got a twenty-five-thousand-buck appearance forfeit posted, over fifty thousand tickets has been sold and New York is already crammed with train loads of wild-eyed out-of-town fans. Some of them eggs has come from as far as California and Cuba to see this scrap and there'd be a race riot if it was called off now—Say, you'd hear 'em squawkin' in Russia! I know you put a lot into tryin' to make the state senate, Mrs. Halliday, but think what the Kid has at stake. He's battled his way to the top again in the toughest pastime in the wide, wide world! He's had to take set-backs and discouragements which would of licked anybody else long ago, but bein' Kid Roberts—or Kane Halliday, if you like that better—why, he