Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/321

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won through. This fight means as much to him as them votes does to you, if not more! Let me ask you your own question—do you want to be responsible for the Kid havin' done all he's done for nothin'?"

That was cold turkey for your life and Dolores' answer is silence, as she paces the floor, nervously bitin' her pretty lips. I would of gave a bootlegger's ransom to of been back in the camp and away from there. Two things I practically loathe is creamed carrots and arguments with women!

"As the matter of fact, I don't think the fight will make any difference, as far as the election's concerned," I says, fin'ly, in a soothin' voice. "In the first place——"

Dolores started and looked at me like she'd been in a trance. Then she held up a lily white hand and on goes the Ritz.

"Very well, Joe," she says with a fixed smile and icicles dangled from each word, "I'm sorry to have bothered you. I suppose you are anxious to get back to your—er—headquarters, aren't you? I have nothing further to say about the matter!"

Seein' I was about as popular as scarlet fever just then, I took the air like a seagull. But she did have somethin' more to say about the matter, don't think she didn't! She sent for Kid Roberts and begged him to call the setto off till they locked up the ballot boxes. Whilst tickled silly to view his lovely, but kind of unreasonable wife again, the Kid says he can do nothin' of the kind. He gently but firmly presents her with my own arguments and a few he'd cooked