Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/331

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Ptomaine Joe, prize fighter; assault and battery, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, suspicion of larceny, attempted homicide, resisting arrest, assaulting an officer, vagrancy. Arresting officers: McCue, Cohen, Ruzzatti, Olson, Brown, Schmidt, Johnson, Le Fevre.

"For cryin' out loud!" I says, when I had read that novel, "This guy'll go to the chair, won't he?"

"They'll probably start with that!" growls the sergeant.

But it turned out that me and the desk sergeant was lodge members and his name happened to be Murphy, the same as mine is. So I fin'ly managed to bail Ptomaine out and take him to a medico, which treated this cop-killer's again badly damaged ears and stuffed 'em with cotton packs. The doctor remarks that after what Ptomaine had just been through he's crazy to enter a prize ring that afternoon and Ptomaine says he's commencin' to think he's crazy to enter a prize ring any afternoon!

Well we come down from the camp right after lunch so's we could cast our votes for the beautiful Dolores, before enterin' the arena. The lady herself happens to be in the pollin' place when we blowed in and the delighted crowd outside quickly recognized both her and Kid Roberts. Dolores drawed a polite cheer, but the Kid, which was to defend his championship within a few hours, got a ovation which brung hundreds on the run! A newspaper photographer wouldn't have it no other way but that they pose for a picture together and as in front of that mob of hero-