Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/332

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worshippers there was no escape, Dolores gave a resigned sign and consented. She forced a pleasant smile and a lovin' expression, but she was double furious at what she thought was the final blow to her political hopes.

The scene then shifted to the ring, where Ptomaine Joe was all set to go on with Rough House Williams in the semi-final bout. As his elephant's ears is stuffed with cotton, Ptomaine couldn't hear a earthquake, let alone the bell, and he's arranged with his goofy handlers to raise their arms as a signal when the gong rings, so's he'll know when it's the end of a round and stop fightin'. He's goin' to watch his seconds for this highly important signal at every opportunity durin' the quarrel.

Whilst awaitin' the word to start this gymkana, Ptomaine peers eagerly through the haze of tobacco smoke for a glimpse of the fair Hilda Dahlstrom, the nurse which had given him the run-around. Suddenly, he releases a oath which would of made a army mule skinner blush and look askance—I ain't got the faintest idea what askance means, but it's a high class word, now ain't it? I followed Ptomaine's infuriated gaze and then I laughed myself ill! Jammed right up against the ropes in the costly seats Ptomaine had to pay for, is Hilda Dahlstrom and some big Swede which give Ptomaine a silly grin. Then the bell rung!

The enraged Ptomaine shot off his stool like somebody had lit a fire under it and smacked Rough House Williams on the button with a ruinous right before the burly colored boy knew what it was all about.