Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/93

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lamps the Kid his face brightens, and he shoves out his hand with a smile.

"Hello, Kid!" he says, swellin' all up like a pump and beamin' on everybody as Kid Roberts shakes with him. "Gee—you look like a million!"

Instantly the innocent bystanders cuddles closer for a flash at the famous ex-champion which has been makin' such a marvelous comeback. The ball game is now runnin' for Sweeney. On all the sides you can hear whispers; "That's Kid Roberts!" "Say, the Kid looks great, don't he?" "Roberts'll knock this Battlin' Miller for a row of Zulu jelly molds." The grinnin' copper then says if the Don is a friend of Kid Roberts he can steal the ball club's franchise and it'll be O. K. with him! The crowd laughs cheerin' Kid Roberts loudly as he sits down again.

Dolores flashed the Kid one grateful look, but the Don don't even thank him. A good scout, this Andalusian banana, what?

The very next day Beatrice Brown commences workin' on Don Miguel in a attempt to get him to spill some inside information on himself. It took about four heavy dates with him, some high-class kiddin', and deep sighs properly placed to make him come through. Then Beatrice has so much to tell us that she busts right up to our room with it, pale and tremblin' and pantin' with rage.

This big double-crossin' four-flusher had offered Beatrice Brown one thousand bucks, even, if she'd help him dope Kid Roberts on the night of his fight with Battlin Miller!