Page:Fighting Back (1924).pdf/94

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Dopin' a fighter has been done and will be done now and then as long as the game goes on. It ain't near as hard a trick as it sounds—and the very fact that the average person laughs at it, and don't believe the victim, is what makes it easier!

Don Miguel had slipped the horrified Beatrice a little bottle of some goo, which he tells her she must trick Kid Roberts into drinkin' before he enters his dressin' room at Jersey City the night of the quarrel. It' work about three-quarters of a hour later, accordin' to this yellow hound, and it won't bump the Kid off by no means. In fact, it'll be a Godsend to him, says the Don, because Battlin' Miller is goin' to half kill Kid Roberts, anyways, and this potion of his will prevent the Kid from feelin' the pain. By this time Don Miguel thinks he's sitting pretty with Bee, so he likewise informs her that he expects to clean up on the fight and afterward him and her will go places. Bee says he wanted to kiss her to show his good faith, and the mere thought made her seasick. She stalled him off and says she'll think matters over and then she beat it to us.

When Beatrice stops, breathless—and she ain't no more breathless than we are—Kid Roberts pats her shoulder and tells her she's a good little girl and he won't soon forget her. The Kid takes the bottle of the Don's brew from her and sends Ptomaine Joe out with it to a chemist. Our instructions to Beatrice is brief—go right back and tell Don Miguel she has decided to accept his offer and Kid Roberts will enter the ring as goofy as all the idiots in the world!