Page:Five Russian plays and one Ukrainian.pdf/29

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A Merry Death

(Pierrot takes away the thermometer and puts out the flame. Harlequin jumps up and circles about snapping his fingers.) Haha! Harlequin’s not dead yet!

Pierrot: Only a thermometer spoiled.

Harlequin: Yes, I’ve not long to live; but (taking down a lute) look, how many strings are broken and the rest are frayed! But does that stop me playing the introduction to a serenade? (Plays. Steps are heard to the left)

Pierrot: D’you hear? The doctor! Stop playing and lie down quickly. It’s he. I can tell people at once by their step. That could only be someone hurrying to help a friend.

Harlequin (stops playing and lies down): To get money. (A knock.)

Pierrot: Come in!

Doctor (in huge spectacles, bald, with a big red nose and a syringe in a bag, comes in, stops, and sings to the audience):

You’ve only got to call me here,
And at once I'm near, at once I’m near,
At once I’m off to the invalid

To care for him and for his need.