Page:Five Russian plays and one Ukrainian.pdf/30

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A Merry Death

My medicines I vary at
The rich man’s house and proletariat;
But there’s no need to be obscure,
I only care, but do not cure.

And grind the poor I never did,
O God forbid, O God forbid!
For wealth from him who’d scrape any?
You take his only ha’penny.
fly medicines I vary at
The rich man’s house and proletariat;
But there’s no need to be obscure,
I only care but do not cure.

Good-day, my dear Harlequin. What’s the matter with you?

Harlequin: That’s for you to judge.

Doctor: You’re quite right. (In Pierrot's ear.) There’s never any need to contradict a patient. (To Harlequin.) Temperature been taken?

Pierrot (shaking his hand): Don’t inquire!

Doctor: How do you feel?

Harlequin: An attack.

Doctor: Of coughing?

Harlequin: Of laughing.