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Page:Flora Australiensis Volume 5.djvu/560

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the style. Fruiting cone cylindrical. Capsules scarcely protruding, glabrous, thick, smooth.—R. Br. in Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 203, Prod. 392; Meissn. in DC. Prod. xiv. 453; Cav. Ic. t. 537; Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 457; B. denticulata, Dum. Cours. (Meissn.).

N. S. Wales. Port Jackson, R. Brown, Sieber, n. 1, Woolls, and many others; near Richmond Wilhelmi; southward to Twofold Bay, F. Mueller.

10. B. collina, R. Br. in Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 204, Prod. 392. A tall erect shrub attaining 8 to 12 ft., the young branches tomentose or villous. Leaves linear, much broader than in B. spinulosa, and always showing the white under surface, the margins only slightly recurved, more or less denticulate or rarely quite entire, 1½ to 3 in. long. Spikes oblong or cylindrical, 3 to 6 in. long. Bracts with broad flat or scarcely acuminate ends. Perianths silky, the tube above 1 in. long, the limb narrow-ovoid. Style longer than the perianth, hooked, with a very small stigmatic end. Fruiting cone cylindrical like that of B. ericifolia or longer. Capsules thick and scarcely protruding as in that species but quite glabrous.—Meissn. in DC. Prod. xiv. 454; B. ledifolia, A. Cunn. Herb; B. Cunninghamii, Seib. in Spreng Syst. Cur. Post. 47, and in Roem. and Schult. Syst. iii. Mant. 289; R. Br. Prot. Nov. 35; Meissn. in DC. Prod. xiv. 454 ; Reich. Iconogr. Exot. t. 81; B. littoralis, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1363, Grah. in Bot. Mag. t. 3060, not of R. Br.; B. prionophylla, F. Muell. 1st Gen. Rep. 17; B. marginata var. macrostachya, Hort. Petrop.

Queensland. Glasshouses, Moreton Bay, C. Moore.

N. S. Wales. Hunter's river, Caley; Blue Mountains? Sieber, n. 6; western descent of the Blue Mountains, A. Cunningham; New England, C. Stuart; Richmond, Clarence and Hastings rivers, Beckler; Sydney woods, Paris Exhibition, 1855, McArthur, n. 215.

Victoria. Wilson's Promontory, Baxter; Sealer's Cove and towards Mount Ararat, F. Mueller; Upper Yarra river, C. Walter.

When the leaves are small and rather broad, they are somewhat like those of B. marginata, but the species is readily distinguished by the large flowers, hooked style and thick capsules.

11. B. verticillata, R. Br. in. Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 207, Prod. 394. A small tree, the young branches tomentose and sometimes villous. Leaves in whorls of 4 to 6 sometimes irregular or broken on luxuriant branches, shortly petiolate, oblong-lanceolate or broadly linear, with recurved margins, white underneath, those of the flowering stems 1½ to 3 in. long, obtuse, entire or slightly toothed, but in some specimens without flowers (from young trees?) longer, narrower and more or less serrate. Spikes oblong-cylindrical, 4 to 8 in. long. Bracts truncate or very shortly acuminate with woolly-villous ends. Perianth yellow, silky, nearly 1 in. long. Style scarcely longer, hooked, with a very small stigmatic end. Fruiting cones long and narrow, the perianths deciduous leaving the closely packed bracts in hoary areolæ with a more glabrous centre, or with slightly protruding flat capsules, ½ to ¾ in. broad, the valves not thickened.—Meissn. in Pl. Preiss. i. 583, and in DC. Prod. xiv. 457; Hook. Exot. Fl. t. 96.