Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/576

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Lesbos : sacrifice, traces of, 20 Lett, H. W., Winning the Churn

(Ulster), 185-6 Lettuce, wild : gives eagle far sight,

145 Leytonstone : St. James's Day and

grottoes, 180-2 Library of Folk- Lore Society, see

Books Libya, ancient : bathing, ceremonial,

at midsummer, 47 Licinius, emperor : as Jupiter, 314 Lictors, Roman : fasces of, 302 Light-ljringer, as title of Jupiter,

Italy, 261-3 Lightning : Altjira shows himself in,

Aranda, 430 ; amulet against, Val

de Morgins, 466 ; Jupiter as, 269-

71, 331 ; sent by spirits, Huculs, 51 Ligurians : aborigines of Rome, 278 Lincolnshire, see Cadney ; and Kirton

in Lindsey Lion : bone in folktale, Boeotia, 25 ;

reincarnation in, Bantu, 232 ; as

siboko, S. Africa, 357 Lips : omen from, Jamaica, 76 Little Hadham Church : harvest

ornament, 2 Livia, wife of Augustus Csesar, as

goddess and Juno, 312 Lizard : {see also Monitor lizard) ;

green, as duppy, Jamaica, 70 ;

reincarnation in, Madagascar, 230 1-Ksar-s-sger : saint's feast at, 32 Llancarfan : catching a ghost, 339-40 Llanelly : folktale, 337-9 1-Mahfi, Moorish saint, 32 Loaf, see Bread Loango : [see also Bakuni ; Bavili ;

Buali ; Bunzi ; Futila ; Kakongo ;

Kayi ; Luleba ; Malela ; Mam-

boma ; Mayomba district ; Mpili ;

Ntanda Bilala ; Ntumpu ; and

Xibanga) ; Map ; buffalo a sacred

animal, 396 ; fetish images, 385 ;

leopard has fetish powers, 390- 1 ;

story of foundation, 396 Lobster : as Perseus, I'ompeii, 350 Lochaber : game, 203-4 Lochinneach : in lullaby, 457-8 Lock : amulet in shape of, China, 369 ;

opened by moon plants, 143 London, see Hammersmith ; lloxton ;

Islington ; and Old Kent Road Looking-glass : bits fixed in trees and in fetishes, Bavili, 376 ; breakage

seven years' trouble, Jamaica, 76;

divining mirror used in election of king, Bavili, 376 ; light should not be reflected upon person, Bavili,

375-6 Lord's prayer : as charm, Jamaica, 69,

76, St. Briavel's, 168 Lome: {see alsoQAcnzo^); dance, 209;

games, 94, 209, 220 Lots, casting : street lottery set, China,

369 ; Ukraine, 90 Lotus : in amulets, 146 ; as origin of

decorations, 146 Loughbrickland : churn or corn baby,

'85.-6 Louisiana: medicine lodge, 1 18 Louse : leaping over New Year fire to

banish, Morocco, 40 Lovett, E. : exhibits by, 241-2, 333-5

{plate) ; lectures by, 8 ; Silver

Water, 334-5 {plate) ; The Whitby

Snake-Ammonite Myth, 333-4

{plate) Lucania : vase, 323 Lucifera : on altar, Rome, 272 Lucina : Juno Lucina, Campania, 307 ;

plants sacred to, 138, 145 Lucky and unlucky days and deeds :

Argyllshire, 80 ; Iceland, 488 ;

Jamaica, 68-77 ! Morocco, 28-31 ;

Rome, 332; St. Briavel's, 170;

Uist, 345 Lucky Fool type of folktale, 485 Luing island : dance, 209 ; game, 209 Lukulu river : revenant, 373-4 Luleba lake : fetish image facing, 380 Lullabies : Argyllshire, 450-2, 455-8 ;

Uist, 452 Lumbembika : revenant, 373-4 Luna, the goddess, Romans, 270 Lustration ceremonies, midsummer,

Morocco, 31-2 Luxor : ship in procession, 257 Lycia : birds as sun emblems, 148

Macedonia, see King Perseus

Maclagan, R. C. , Additions to "The Games of Argyllshire," 77-97, 192- 221, 340-9, 439-60; exhibit by, 130

Madagascar : {see also Antananarivo ; Belsileos ; Betsimisaraka tribe ; Hovas ; and Sahasoa) ; van Gen- nep's 1 abou et Totemisme a Mada- gascar reviewed, '226-33

Madness, cures for, see Medical folk- lore

Madonna, The, see Virgin Mary

Marchen, see Folktales