Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 16, 1905.djvu/577

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Magic : {see also Amulets and talis- mans ; Charms and spells ; Divina- tion ; and Witchcraft) ; 475 ; American Indian, 118; imitative, to cure diseases, Shortland islands, 116; midsummer ceremonies, Mo- rocco, 34

Magri, E. : exhibit by, 130; Trans- lation of Maltese Folk-tales, 100

Maize : eaten ceremonially, mid- summer, Morocco, 36 ; eaters made nervous by midsummer water, Morocco, 34

Major, A. F., The Ragnarok and Valhalla Myths, and evidence from which they date, 130

Malabar : hair offered to wood-fiend, 467

Malays : folk-songs, 489 ; Skeat's volume on, 15

Malay States : {see also Malays ; and Patani) ; of Siam, 487

Malela : revenant, 373

Mallets as votive offerings, S. Ger- many, 482

Mal'occhio, see Evil eye

Malta : folktales, 100 ; Phoenician sacred pillar, 130

Mamboma : burial rites of king. 400

Mamurius Vetuvius, annual expulsion of, Rome, 327

Manaia in Maori legend, 351

Mandrake : Anglo-Saxon beliefs, 364

Manes, Roman, 293-9

Mangarkunjurkunja, creator, Aranda tribe, 430

Maniae, Romans, 294-5

Manius Aegerius, Latin dictator, 291-2

Mano pantea, symbols for, 156

Mantis : 'Cagn the m. god, Bushmen,


Maoris : hair offered to wood-fiend, 467; legends, 351

Mara tribe (Aus. ) : marriage customs, 472 ; organisation, 469

March : ' Mamurius Veturius' annually expelled, Rome, 327 ; 24th, in Roman &c. calendars, 330-1

Margaret, St., see St. Martjaret

Marguerite daisy : assigned St. Mar- garet of Cortona, 145

Marius, popular honours to, Rome, 306

Marjoram : burnt in cattle yard, Morocco, 28, as medicine, Morocco, 35-6

Marriage customs and beliefs : 475 5 Australia, 103-4, 106-7, 222-3, 242, 469-75 ; bracelets, Congo, 382 ; bride wears something borrowed, Monmouthshire, 66 ; Bulgaria, 491 ; cake cut jointly, Monmouthshire, 66 ; charms to obtain husbands, Huculs, 50, Morocco, 34, 41 ; divination of, Monmouthshire, 65 ; Germany, 51 ; group marriage, 99, Australia, 106-7, 222-3 ; Huculs, 235 ; Japan, 235 ; Masai, 235 ; Monmouthshire, 65-6 ; omens of, Jamaica, 71-3; Ovaherero, 357; Solomon islands, 1 14-5 ; songs, Huculs, 52 ; S. Nigeria, 438 ; wed- ding at end of year lucky, Uist, 345 ; wedding in dream, Jamaica,

77 Mars : {see also Ares) ; ' Mamurms Veturius' annually expelled, Rome, 327 ; military trophies to, Romans, 320 ; Romulus and Remus as sons of, 301 ; specialised form of Jupiter, 320-1 Mary Magdalene, St., see St. Mary

Magdalene Masai : Die Masai, by M. Merker, discussed, 235-8 ; The Masai, Their Language and Folk- Lore, by A. C. Hollis, reviewed, 234-8 Master-wort, see Astrantia major Matabele : no Supreme Being, 112 Matchet : in folktale, Congo, 388 Maudlinwort, see Moon-daisy May: {see also May Day); 15th, argei ceremony, Rome, 326-7 ; i5-i6th, Festa of Sant' Ubaldo, Gubbio, 252-4 ; 24th, in Roman calendar, 330- 1 May Day: maypole, Buxton, 461-2 ; Padstow, 59 ; Padslow hobby- horse custom, 59-60 ; ship, 259 ; songs, Padstow, 56-89, 259 Mayd-weed as moon flower, 146 May Eve : Padstow hobbyhorse, 59-60 Mayomba district : crocodile hunted,


Maypoles, 461-2

Mayweed, 146

Medea, myth of, 325

Medical folklore : {see also Charms and spells) ; diseases and injuries treated :

of animals, 46, 337 ; cold and coughs, 35 ; of eyes, 29, 35, 41, 139; feminine complaints, 138;