We regret that there has been no earlier opportunity to draw attention to the valuable series of Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten issued under the direction of R. Wünsch and L. Deubner. The first volume (Attis: Seine Mythen und sein Kult) appeared in 1903, and that before us is numbered sixth, although later than that in order of appearance. The volumes deal, mainly historically and for classical antiquity, with augury, judgment of the dead, star beliefs, magic, exorcisms, possession, birthday festivities, healing by incubation etc., transmission of cults, and like matters. The present dissertation presents, with a Teutonic wealth of reference and quotation, chastity as a necessary consequence of nearness to a deity and as a source of supernatural power, and gives detailed accounts of vows of sexual abstinence and of rites (such as the Thesmophoria) in which abstinence played a part, etc., etc.
Dr. Wossidlo celebrates in a very fitting way the centenary of "unser Reuter" by giving us these charming glimpses of the merry side of the Mecklenburgers, their drolls and jests of all kinds at play and work, their nicknames for people and playing cards, their sayings and beast märchen, and, in fact, their intimate selves. The introductory section of 39 pages, with its account of the methods of gathering the author's material from the mouths of the people, can be read with much profit by other collectors. We cordially commend the book to all lovers of folklore and of folk-wit.
Books for Review should be addressed to
The Editor of Folk-Lore,
c/o David Nutt,
57-59 Long Acre, London, W.C.