WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th, 1912.
The President (Mr. W. Crooke) in the Chair.
The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
The election of Mr. K. Fiennes Herbert, Mr. W. Jarmain, and Miss E. C. Vansittart as members of the Society, was announced.
The death of M. Camille de Brix was also announced.
The Chairman announced that Miss E. Canziani was very kindly inviting members of the Society to her house on Saturday, July 6th, from 4 to 7 p.m., to see her collection of objects of interest from Savoy and Italy.
Dr. W. H. R. Rivers read a paper entitled "The Sociological Significance of Myth" (pp. 307-31), and in the discussion which followed, the Chairman, Dr. Haddon, Dr. Westermarck, Mr. T. C. Hodson, Dr. Gaster, and Miss Burne took part.
The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Rivers for his paper.
The Secretary reported the following additions to the Society's Library:—
By exchange:—Analecta Bollandiana, tom. xxx., fasc. iv.; A Dictionary of the Biloxi and Ofo Languages, by J. O.